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History of Mitra Ardon

Last update Aug. 25th 2011 10:32:55 PM
Creation date Aug. 22nd 2011 9:26:16 PM
  • openworld on Aug. 25th 2011 10:32:55 PM
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Tribe members propose projects to the group

    After discussion a shortlist is picked

    One other member does an evaluation on each project - e.g. emails with the proponents etc. In particular addresses questions that come up in the discussion.

    Those evaluators report back

    Either a selection (e.g. voting) for preferred recipient or two, OR

    crowd source for multiple projects (the latter will work better if there are divergent interests)
  • openworld on Aug. 25th 2011 10:26:35 PM
    1. ATTRACTOR - what makes this interesting
    Potential for smarter crowdfunding for higher risk ventures
  • Mitra Ardron on Aug. 23rd 2011 4:03:30 PM
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Tribe members propose projects to the group, After discussion a shortlist is picked One other member does an evaluation on each project - e.g. emails with the proponents etc. In particular addresses questions that come up in the discussion. Those evaluators report back Either a selection (e.g. voting) for preferred recipient or two, OR crowd source for multiple projects (the latter will work better if there are divergent interests)
  • openworld on Aug. 23rd 2011 5:44:08 AM
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Critical issues to resolve (in any strategy)
    • How will projects be sourced?
    • How will they be evaluated?
    • What kind of control / reporting is needed?
  • Mitra Ardron on Aug. 23rd 2011 5:22:12 AM
    When to use
    Useful when online groups want to collaborate to select & fund projects. Projects either of the group, or projects known to the group.
    When not to use
    When classic crowdfunding; VC; Micro-finance etc would work better
    1. ATTRACTOR - what makes this interesting
    Potential for smarter crowdfunding for higher risk ventures
    Related uplift patterns
    Network Foundation (UK) - in '80s .
  • openworld on Aug. 22nd 2011 9:26:20 PM
  • openworld on Aug. 22nd 2011 9:26:16 PM
    Mitra Ardon
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