Apache OFBizQalingoShopizerElastic PathKonaKart
Accepter SplittingOui. d'après la doc : There can be multiple invoices associated with an order. This is especially true when the order is split into multiple shipments; there will typically be one invoice per shipment.No ChargeNo ChargeOui. module payant
APIno chargeNo chargeno charge que frontno charge
Payment gateways-PayPal -Cash On Delivery -credit card-Cash On Delivery -Credit card-Cash On Delivery -Credit card-Cash On Delivery -Credit card
Type ShipmentUPS Shipment Gateway Fedex Shipment Gateway DHL Shipment GatewayUPS Shipment Gateway Fedex Shipment Gateway DHL Shipment GatewayUPS Shipment Gateway Fedex Shipment Gateway DHL Shipment GatewayUPS Shipment Gateway Fedex Shipment Gateway DHL Shipment Gateway
Téchnologies utilisés-Java -Hibernate -spring -axis-Java -Hibernate -Ehcache -Drools -Apache Solr -Velocity -jQuery -Bootstrap -Quartz -Wurel-java -spring -hibernate -jQuery -elasticSearch -JBoss Infinispan-Java -Hibernate -ActiveMQ -Spring (POJO) -SOAP -JSON -RMI -Javascript