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Best Spanish Courses for Visual Learners


Compare Platiquemos in a Flash vs Platiquemos Book and Cd's vs Linguaphone vs Berlitz vs Living Language vs Mastering Spanish

BildLearning TheoryAmazon ratingHours of AudioPriceWhere to Purchase
Platiquemos in a FlashUsing the guided intimation method, Platiquemos has the student practice listening and repeating, building sentences and learning more and more complex patterns. A fully text and audio method Platiquemos is great for visual learners as there is more than 1000 pages of text with illustrations. The audio allows for tons of listening and speaking practice, overall Platiquemos takes you three times as far towards fluency as any other visual program.4.216 to 56 hours19 -
Platiquemos Book and Cd'sWith this edition you get 8 printed books to look at wherever you wish, plus 56 audio cd's you can listen to in your car, or anywhere.4.28 to 5649
LinguaphoneThe success of Linguaphone is based on the simple Linguaphone method of ‘Listen, Understand, Speak.' You learned a language as a child using just this method, and you can learn a new language as an adult too. Irrespective of what course you are using the method will be built into the overall design of the course. Listen The audio parts of your course introduce you to listening to a foreign language at an easy pace. Your ears soon become accustomed to the new rhythms and sounds. Listening to a foreign language enables you to start thinking in the language and with a little imagination you can start to realize how you will sound in that new language.3.14 to 12 hours39 -
BerlitzA cursory method, the Berlitz uses the speak and repeat method where the student tries to remember what was said, but without any real context or visual aid.31 hour29
Living Languagecomment form amazon customer 1) COST - obviously paying $125 for this program vs. $500 for Rosetta Stone is a huge bonus for me. 2) LEARnING PROCESS - This system focuses on reading through chapters with exercises and listening to audio files to support the chapters. The content in the audio files is just like the book. Where audio files help the most is if you don't know how to pronounce the words it helps to hear it and hit rewind over and over again.4949 - 125
Mastering SpanishThis also uses the guided imitation method and is actually a pre-cursor to the Platiquemos method. Mastering Spanish is basically the first 2 of the 8 levels of the Platiquemos program before it was improved by Don Casteel and Multilingual Books.312 hours79
Compare Platiquemos in a Flash vs Platiquemos Book and Cd's vs Linguaphone vs Berlitz vs Living Language vs Mastering Spanish
Kenneth Puma
2013-09-18 20:51:02
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