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Blog Ping Services


Ping blog and boost website traffic with our list of blog ping services. We've created a detailed comparison table that covers some of the most common and best (in our opinion) ping services, all complete with some of the most important features for each blog ping tool.

From the table below, each service/site (rows) features the following features (columns):

  • Website: this is fairly self-explanatory, as it lists the website URL for each site.

  • Services Pinged: this indicates the total number of services that each ping tool submits to. This number may be skewed depending on how many redundant services are contained. For example, if a ping tool submits to an English and French version of the same service, then this would be considered redundant since both versions are offered by the same website. Only a few of these sites offer true non-redundant lists.

  • Free?: another self-explanatory item that indicates if the ping service is free, or at least offers a free version of the paid one. Most of these are free.

  • Paid Option?: this tells us if the site offers a paid version that offers more features than the free version, or just a paid version with no free version offered.

  • Registration Required?: this indicates if registration is mandatory in order to use the full service or only certain features, such as saving website profiles for later use.

  • Ping Limit: this shows the current ping limit restriction, or how many times you can ping your site during a certain time period. Most on this list offer no limit.

  • Bulk Support: indicates if the site supports multiple URL submission, instead of individual ping submission. URLs can be entered manually, or imported for most of these sites.

  • Custom Ping List: determines if a custom list can be used instead of (or in addition to) the default list supplied by the site. Only a few offer this feature.

  • Pros: shows the strengths and advantages of each site.

  • Cons: examines the weaknesses and disadvantages of each site.

Our favorites are Ping-O-Matic and Feed Shark. What are your favorites?

WebseiteServices PingedFree?Paid Option?Registration Required?Ping LimitBulk SupportCustom Ping ListVorteileNachteile
Feed Sharkbrainbliss.com62YesNoNoUnlimitedNoNoFast and reliable, checks reliability of each service every 24 hoursNo support for bulk ping
Ping-O-Maticpingomatic.com19YesNoNoUnlimitedNoNoVery popular, well established, simple to useLimited amount of services
Pinglerpingler.com98YesYesOnly For Paid OptionUnlimitedPaidYesOffers a free editable custom ping list featureMany services are redundant
Ping.inping.in49YesNoNoUnlimitedNoNoClean design, excellent selection of servicesCan sometimes be slow
Ping Farmpingfarm.com19YesNoNoUnlimitedYesNoHas multi-blog ping support and other online toolsSame services as Ping-O-Matic
Easily compare some of the most popular blog ping services based on a large list of various features! Updated on a regular basis.
2023-05-17 03:18:24
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