PHP CMS comparison (Content Management System)

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Compare Dotclear vs Drupal vs Rubedo vs e107 vs Exponent CMS vs eZ
Publish vs Frog CMS vs Joomla! vs Habari vs Magento vs Midgard CMS
vs MODX vs PHP-Nuke vs Serendipity vs SPIP vs TYPO3 vs WolfCMS vs
WordPress vs Xaraya vs XOOPS...
User reviews and comments

sabronet on 2022-06-28 01:58:11 
oleang on 2018-06-10 14:11:04 rated MODx: Gesamtwertung 5/5 
dd on 2018-02-04 01:56:23 rated SPIP: Gesamtwertung 4/5 
wilfried18 on 2017-04-21 23:41:04 
Tchoup on 2017-02-13 13:22:24 rated CMS Made Simple: Gesamtwertung 2/5 
Istvan Vozik on 2016-10-18 12:24:51 rated Joomla!: Gesamtwertung 5/5 
Maxime Artagnan on 2016-07-30 19:19:50 rated Joomla!: Gesamtwertung 5/5 
addy on 2016-07-10 05:08:21 rated Drupal: Gesamtwertung 3/5 
Mounia.D on 2016-07-06 18:03:49 rated Drupal: Gesamtwertung 2/5 
Tchoup on 2016-07-06 14:15:40 rated SPIP: Gesamtwertung 2/5
PHPBoost on 2016-06-12 19:30:42 rated PHPBoost: Gesamtwertung 5/5 
e107User on 2016-04-09 03:47:43 suggested on e107 to set Name to e107 Bootstrap CMS 
e107User on 2016-04-09 03:46:47 suggested on e107 to set Name to e107 Bootstrap CMS 
e107User on 2016-04-09 03:46:06 rated e107: Gesamtwertung 5/5 
c-line on 2015-12-06 21:16:43 rated Joomla!: Performance 4/5 
c-line on 2015-12-06 21:13:02 rated Joomla!: Evolution et pérennité 4/5 
Jean-Benoit Kauffmann on 2015-08-21 17:06:03 rated CMS Made Simple: Gesamtwertung 5/5 
tfoucret on 2015-08-17 14:39:04 rated Contao: Gesamtwertung 5/5 
Le_Voltairien on 2015-08-13 20:54:53 rated WordPress: Evolution et pérennité 5/5 
bounhas.ibrahim on 2015-07-30 13:30:00 rated Drupal: Gesamtwertung 5/5
see older commentsThat's a Very Nice and Complete comparison table, thanks! Another Simple and Great CMS, based on PHP without MySQL and with just one single PHP file is: SabroCMS, available at:
Easy to use.
Ça serait pas bien une autre colonne genre remarque pour dire si ça existe encore, si le site web a des soucis ou si ça n existe plus ?
Bien pour un site vitrine de quelques pages, mais nécessite de nombreux plugin pour faire des choses simples (seo, formulaire de contact, ...). Manque l'édition inline.
As it says on the website
As it says on the website
Le back office est un vrai régal pour les contributeurs.