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History of Act

Last update 2011-09-05 14:00:23
Creation date 2011-09-05 09:01:33
  • politica on 2011-09-05 14:00:23
  • politica on 2011-09-05 13:59:04
    Principle 1
    The social welfare system should be removed (as far as possible) from day-to-day political decision making. This is vital. Until this happens, the well-organised special interest groups will continue to do great harm to the rest of us.
    Principle 2
    Transfer power from large institutions (Accident Compensation Corporation) and impersonal bureaucracies (Health, Education and Social Welfare Departments) to individuals. Such institutions will never care about us or know as much about us as we do – we need to remove their decision-making power from them as it affects individuals.
    Principle 3
    Restore the buyer/seller relationship to consumers and providers3 So that each of us as consumers becomes the principal buyer of welfare services, rather than third parties, be they welfare, superannuation, health or education, as we do with other goods and services
    Principle 4
    Subject social welfare to the benefits of competition. Create market-based organisations where each of us benefits from good decisions or bears the cost of bad ones (note: none could be as bad as that which government inflicts on us all at the moment)
    Principle 5
    Create a marketplace where individuals (as much as possible) spend their own money, rather than someone else's. Major tax reductions and, for some, tax credits will enable all New Zealanders to buy what they need in the market. When people spend their own money rather than someone else's, they demand better service and higher standards
    Detail 1
    All New Zealanders will have the choice of buying the welfare products they need in a competitive open marketplace (health cover, sickness, accident and health insurance) as a result of: higher personal income via Tax reductions (flowing from the ability to earn a tax fee income and/or tax credits) plus an employer contribution
    Detail 2
    Insurance companies will be obliged to provide information relating to prices and costs, people can elect to rely on self-insurance for small items of expenditure.
    Source and Link to Policy Documentation
    Detail 3
    Consumers spending their own money will lead to lower levels of demand than under the current welfare system with self-insurance evident for non-catastrophic events.
    Detail 4
    Pressure to reduce costs will be evident throughout the system so higher incomes for suppliers will depend on them being more efficient than other providers. Under the current system, providers often increase their own incomes only when costs go up.
    Detail 5
    Choice for the vast majority of the population will be readily available, unlike the current welfare system, when most people, having paid 40% or more of their income in taxes can't afford alternative private options for healthcare or sickness or to save for their retirement. This is now possible for all New Zealanders.
    Detail 6
    Innovation will be seen everywhere and is one of the only ways a company can stay ahead.
    Detail 7
    Currently, the government welfare, education and healthcare industry are often hostile to change and discourage development and innovation.
    Detail 8
    Prices will be readily available and producers will advertise price discounts and quality differences. This is not so with the current government welfare system.
    Detail 9
    Quality of service comparisons will be readily available for everyone with regard to the various companies offering products in the marketplace.
  • politica on 2011-09-05 09:06:30
    Policy Principles
    • The social welfare system should be removed (as far as possible) from day-to-day political decision making. This is vital. Until this happens, the well-organised special interest groups will continue to do great harm to the rest of us. • Transfer power from large institutions (Accident Compensation Corporation) and impersonal bureaucracies (Health, Education and Social Welfare Departments) to individuals. Such institutions will never care about us or know as much about us as we do – we need to remove their decision-making power from them as it affects individuals. • Restore the buyer/seller relationship to consumers and providers3 So that each of us as consumers becomes the principal buyer of welfare services, rather than third parties, be they welfare, superannuation, health or education, as we do with other goods and services • Subject social welfare to the benefits of competition. Create market-based organisations where each of us benefits from good decisions or bears the cost of bad ones (note: none could be as bad as that which government inflicts on us all at the moment) • Create a marketplace where individuals (as much as possible) spend their own money, rather than someone else's. Major tax reductions and, for some, tax credits will enable all New Zealanders to buy what they need in the market. When people spend their own money rather than someone else's, they demand better service and higher standards
  • politica on 2011-09-05 09:01:33
    Goal or Vision
    All New Zealanders are in a position to take out risk insurance for accident, sickness and healthcare, not just the wealthy, and to receive better service as a result.
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