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History of Greens

Last update 2011-09-05 14:00:23
Creation date 2011-09-05 09:01:33
  • politica on 2011-09-05 14:00:23
  • politica on 2011-09-05 13:59:04
    Principle 1
    Equitable rehabilitation for all people suffering impairment caused by injury, illness or other disability.
    Principle 2
    The retention of public provision of rehabilitation and compensation for personal injury, funded through an equitable mix of levies on employers, employees, motor vehicle usage and general taxation.
    Principle 3
    The Green Party believes that rehabilitation to the greatest extent practicable, rather than theoretical work capacity, ought to be the main focus of ACC.
    Detail 1
    The Green Party will: Ensure that all people who have a genuine work-related gradual process injury, disease or infection, including occupational overuse injuries and chemical poisoning, can obtain ACC cover.
    Detail 2
    The Green Party will: Ensure that all people who receive unexpected and unintended injuries as a consequence of medical treatment can access ACC cover.
    Detail 3
    The Green Party will: Restore cover to people who suffer only mental injury caused by accident, treatment by registered health professionals, or work-related gradual process injury, disease or infection.
    Detail 4
    The Green Party will: Ensure that adequate and appropriate social and vocational rehabilitation is provided.
    Detail 5
    The Green Party will: Introduce a regime under which weekly compensation is treated no differently from other income for benefit abatement purposes.
    Detail 6
    The Green Party will: Take into account seasonal workers and people in temporary employment in the formula setting the level of weekly compensation
    Detail 7
    The Green Party will: Adequately fund independent advocacy agencies for people who are injured.
    Detail 8
    The Green Party will: Create an ACC ombusdman to take over the functions of the ACC Complaints Investigation Service.
    MP to Contact
    Kevin Hague
    Source and Link to Policy Documentation
  • politica on 2011-09-05 09:01:33
    Goal or Vision
    The Green Party envisions a holistic social security, health and disability system, focused on promoting good health, reducing the risk and impact of illness and injury, and improving the quality of life.
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