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History of Holacracy

Last update 2021-05-28 15:05:26
Creation date 2011-12-30 06:49:20
  • Ferananda on 2012-01-23 21:57:01
    Organized around work. Around an evolutionary purpose.

    1. Dynamic Steering: Mental shift from predicting how things will or ought to be, to discovering what is needed now based on currently known data.

    "Establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer points throughout the company’s operations. This allows planning and decision-making processes to focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and then letting reality inform the next step, rather than agonizing about what 'might' happen in an effort to conjure up a theoretical 'best' decision that still doesn’t quite get it right." -- Organization Evolved, pg 2
    2. Tension Processing: A tension is the felt-sense of a specific gap between current reality and a sensed potential. Tensions can be processed through multiple pathways, including tactical, governance, and strategy meetings. Tensions that matter are those in behalf of the organization. Is not about all bringing our tensions. Its about clear, tangible governance. One tension at a time (in a way that is workable)
    3. Distributed Authority: All circles hold strategy, governance, and tactical meetings. Each role has the authority to autocratically make decisions related to its roles and scopes, to the extent that those decision do not conflict with the authority of other roles.

    "[...] Holacracy distributes the job of evolving the organization across the entire company. This decreases the overload at the top and the disengagement found elsewhere, while instilling new capacities for learning and adaptability throughout the organization." -- Organization Evolved, pg 4
    4. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a holarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has a purpose and scope, defined by its super-circle, and...

    "Each circle has the autonomy and authority to define and evolve the roles, accountabilities, policies, and processes needed to organize and govern its operations in service of its purpose." -- Organization Evolved, pg 3
    5. Double-Linking: Sub and super circles are linked via two roles which belong to and take part in the meeting processes of both circles. The sub-circle Lead Link role is accountable for carrying the needs of the super-circle into the sub-circle. The sub-circle's Rep Link role is accountable for carrying the sub-circle's needs into the super-circle.

    "Lead Links hold the perspective and functions needed to align the sub-circle with the purpose, strategy, and needs of its broader context. Rep Links carry front-line feedback to that broader context, while guarding the autonomy and sustainability of the sub-circle within that environment." -- Organiation Evolved, pg 3
    Holacracy is a tool for purpose driven organizations. It is not a tool for communities -- even those based on a shared interest.
    The differentiation of role and soul: I am not the roles I fill for the organization. The organization is an entity in its own right, distinct from the group of people that energize roles within it.
    A circle is not a group of people; it's a collection of related roles required to fulfill a purpose.
    Holacracy is not a consent process; it is based on surfacing and integrating objections. In Holacracy, an objection is a reason why, based on presently known data, a proposal would limit the circle's ability to express its purpose, in a way that wasn't already present in the organization before the proposal.
    Lead and rep links are not managers. They have a specific set of accountabilities related to cross-circle communication and tension processing.
    Holacracy goes beyond sociocracy in the sense that it provides the tools for the structure of an organization. It is not human, values driven as a goal yet it does that as it accomplishes the organization's purpose in life. For the sake of the whole not the individual. More rules to make sure that we don´t get stuck in human ego.
    Video about the difference in between Holacracy & Sociocracy
    Harmony as a consequence of being part of an organization that empowers you and honors you to show up and be autonomous. Its not organized around 'what I want' but around 'the work that needs to be done'. It invites human ego to go beyond individual needs into the organization itself.
    Holacracy embraces the individual by helping differentiate the individual and the organization, to move beyond the typical co-dependent relationship where we project our needs and desires on the organization and look to it to take care of us. Holacracy allows us complete sovereignty and autonomy to use our gifts as individuals, and holds a space where we can show up together to birth a new entity (the organization) and help it express its purpose in life. It's deeply embracing and integrative of both human and organization.
    On how Holacracy embraces our full capacity as humans and processing tensions
    Best for
    Purpose driven organizations.

    It cares about organizations that go beyond profit.

    For social organisms that want to shift power to a process and allow for emergence. Where individuals can be more autonomous and interdependent. Differentiation of the individual and integration of the WE.

    Set of "rules of the game", which can be used by an organization wishing to move the root of power from owners and heroic leaders to a purpose and a process of continually organizing around that purpose, by integrating whatever is sensed about the purpose through the consciousness of all the humans who choose to participate in expressing the purpose
    Other resources
    Organization Evolved

    Differentiating Role and Soul
    The Power of Governance
    The Irony of Empowerment
    Contrasting Paradigms: Holacracy & Sociocracy
    On the transpersonal paradigm under Holacracy:
    Comprehensive practice for governing and running organizations. Its practices and process are intended to promote rapid and reliable processing of any tension sensed by anyone, anywhere in the organization.

    How people can allow the organization to evolve. To free individuals, to empower them to find their own path and right-placement within an organization.

    Based upon flow, agility, structure of an organization, dynamic steering, roles
  • Ferananda on 2012-01-23 21:05:50
    Other resources
    Organization Evolved

    Differentiating Role and Soul
    The Power of Governance
    The Irony of Empowerment
    Contrasting Paradigms: Holacracy & Sociocracy
    Holacracy is a tool for purpose driven organizations. It is not a tool for communities -- even those based on a shared interest.
    The differentiation of role and soul: I am not the roles I fill for the organization. The organization is an entity in its own right, distinct from the group of people that energize roles within it.
    A circle is not a group of people; it's a collection of related roles required to fulfill a purpose.
    Holacracy is not a consent process; it is based on surfacing and integrating objections. In Holacracy, an objection is a reason why, based on presently known data, a proposal would limit the circle's ability to express its purpose, in a way that wasn't already present in the organization before the proposal.
    Lead and rep links are not managers. They have a specific set of accountabilities related to cross-circle communication and tension processing.
    Holacracy goes beyond sociocracy in the sense that it provides the tools for the structure of an organization. It is not human, values driven as a goal yet it does that as it accomplishes the organization's purpose in life. For the sake of the whole not the individual.
    Video about the difference in between Holacracy & Sociocracy
    Harmony as a consequence of being part of an organization that empowers you and honors you to show up and be autonomous. Its not organized around 'what I want' but around 'the work that needs to be done'. It invites human ego to go beyond individual needs into the organization itself.
    Organized around work. Around an evolutionary purpose.

    1. Dynamic Steering: Mental shift from predicting how things will or ought to be, to discovering what is needed now based on currently known data.

    "Establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer points throughout the company’s operations. This allows planning and decision-making processes to focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and then letting reality inform the next step, rather than agonizing about what 'might' happen in an effort to conjure up a theoretical 'best' decision that still doesn’t quite get it right." -- Organization Evolved, pg 2
    2. Tension Processing: A tension is the felt-sense of a specific gap between current reality and a sensed potential. Tensions can be processed through multiple pathways, including tactical, governance, and strategy meetings.
    3. Distributed Authority: All circles hold strategy, governance, and tactical meetings. Each role has the authority to autocratically make decisions related to its roles and scopes, to the extent that those decision do not conflict with the authority of other roles.

    "[...] Holacracy distributes the job of evolving the organization across the entire company. This decreases the overload at the top and the disengagement found elsewhere, while instilling new capacities for learning and adaptability throughout the organization." -- Organization Evolved, pg 4
    4. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a holarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has a purpose and scope, defined by its super-circle, and...

    "Each circle has the autonomy and authority to define and evolve the roles, accountabilities, policies, and processes needed to organize and govern its operations in service of its purpose." -- Organization Evolved, pg 3
    5. Double-Linking: Sub and super circles are linked via two roles which belong to and take part in the meeting processes of both circles. The sub-circle Lead Link role is accountable for carrying the needs of the super-circle into the sub-circle. The sub-circle's Rep Link role is accountable for carrying the sub-circle's needs into the super-circle.

    "Lead Links hold the perspective and functions needed to align the sub-circle with the purpose, strategy, and needs of its broader context. Rep Links carry front-line feedback to that broader context, while guarding the autonomy and sustainability of the sub-circle within that environment." -- Organiation Evolved, pg 3
    Comprehensive practice for governing and running organizations. Its practices and process are intended to promote rapid and reliable processing of any tension sensed by anyone, anywhere in the organization.

    How people can allow the organization to evolve. To free individuals, to empower them to find their own path and right-placement within an organization.

  • Ferananda on 2012-01-23 21:05:49
    Other resources
    Organization Evolved

    Differentiating Role and Soul
    The Power of Governance
    The Irony of Empowerment
    Contrasting Paradigms: Holacracy & Sociocracy
    Holacracy is a tool for purpose driven organizations. It is not a tool for communities -- even those based on a shared interest.
    The differentiation of role and soul: I am not the roles I fill for the organization. The organization is an entity in its own right, distinct from the group of people that energize roles within it.
    A circle is not a group of people; it's a collection of related roles required to fulfill a purpose.
    Holacracy is not a consent process; it is based on surfacing and integrating objections. In Holacracy, an objection is a reason why, based on presently known data, a proposal would limit the circle's ability to express its purpose, in a way that wasn't already present in the organization before the proposal.
    Lead and rep links are not managers. They have a specific set of accountabilities related to cross-circle communication and tension processing.
    Holacracy goes beyond sociocracy in the sense that it provides the tools for the structure of an organization. It is not human, values driven as a goal yet it does that as it accomplishes the organization's purpose in life. For the sake of the whole not the individual.
    Video about the difference in between Holacracy & Sociocracy
    Harmony as a consequence of being part of an organization that empowers you and honors you to show up and be autonomous. Its not organized around 'what I want' but around 'the work that needs to be done'. It invites human ego to go beyond individual needs into the organization itself.
    Organized around work. Around an evolutionary purpose.

    1. Dynamic Steering: Mental shift from predicting how things will or ought to be, to discovering what is needed now based on currently known data.

    "Establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer points throughout the company’s operations. This allows planning and decision-making processes to focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and then letting reality inform the next step, rather than agonizing about what 'might' happen in an effort to conjure up a theoretical 'best' decision that still doesn’t quite get it right." -- Organization Evolved, pg 2
    2. Tension Processing: A tension is the felt-sense of a specific gap between current reality and a sensed potential. Tensions can be processed through multiple pathways, including tactical, governance, and strategy meetings.
    3. Distributed Authority: All circles hold strategy, governance, and tactical meetings. Each role has the authority to autocratically make decisions related to its roles and scopes, to the extent that those decision do not conflict with the authority of other roles.

    "[...] Holacracy distributes the job of evolving the organization across the entire company. This decreases the overload at the top and the disengagement found elsewhere, while instilling new capacities for learning and adaptability throughout the organization." -- Organization Evolved, pg 4
    4. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a holarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has a purpose and scope, defined by its super-circle, and...

    "Each circle has the autonomy and authority to define and evolve the roles, accountabilities, policies, and processes needed to organize and govern its operations in service of its purpose." -- Organization Evolved, pg 3
    5. Double-Linking: Sub and super circles are linked via two roles which belong to and take part in the meeting processes of both circles. The sub-circle Lead Link role is accountable for carrying the needs of the super-circle into the sub-circle. The sub-circle's Rep Link role is accountable for carrying the sub-circle's needs into the super-circle.

    "Lead Links hold the perspective and functions needed to align the sub-circle with the purpose, strategy, and needs of its broader context. Rep Links carry front-line feedback to that broader context, while guarding the autonomy and sustainability of the sub-circle within that environment." -- Organiation Evolved, pg 3
    Comprehensive practice for governing and running organizations. Its practices and process are intended to promote rapid and reliable processing of any tension sensed by anyone, anywhere in the organization.

    How people can allow the organization to evolve. To free individuals, to empower them to find their own path and right-placement within an organization.

  • Karl Higley on 2012-01-23 16:41:51
    1. Dynamic Steering: Mental shift from predicting how things will or ought to be, to discovering what is needed now based on currently known data.

    "Establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer points throughout the company’s operations. This allows planning and decision-making processes to focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and then letting reality inform the next step, rather than agonizing about what 'might' happen in an effort to conjure up a theoretical 'best' decision that still doesn’t quite get it right." -- Organization Evolved, pg 2
    2. Tension Processing: A tension is the felt-sense of a specific gap between current reality and a sensed potential. Tensions can be processed through multiple pathways, including tactical, governance, and strategy meetings.
    3. Distributed Authority: All circles hold strategy, governance, and tactical meetings. Each role has the authority to autocratically make decisions related to its roles and scopes, to the extent that those decision do not conflict with the authority of other roles.

    "[...] Holacracy distributes the job of evolving the organization across the entire company. This decreases the overload at the top and the disengagement found elsewhere, while instilling new capacities for learning and adaptability throughout the organization." -- Organization Evolved, pg 4
    4. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a holarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has a purpose and scope, defined by its super-circle, and...

    "Each circle has the autonomy and authority to define and evolve the roles, accountabilities, policies, and processes needed to organize and govern its operations in service of its purpose." -- Organization Evolved, pg 3
    5. Double-Linking: Sub and super circles are linked via two roles which belong to and take part in the meeting processes of both circles. The sub-circle Lead Link role is accountable for carrying the needs of the super-circle into the sub-circle. The sub-circle's Rep Link role is accountable for carrying the sub-circle's needs into the super-circle.

    "Lead Links hold the perspective and functions needed to align the sub-circle with the purpose, strategy, and needs of its broader context. Rep Links carry front-line feedback to that broader context, while guarding the autonomy and sustainability of the sub-circle within that environment." -- Organiation Evolved, pg 3
    Holacracy is a tool for purpose driven organizations. It is not a tool for communities -- even those based on a shared interest.
    The differentiation of role and soul: I am not the roles I fill for the organization. The organization is an entity in its own right, distinct from the group of people that energize roles within it.
    A circle is not a group of people; it's a collection of related roles required to fulfill a purpose.
    Holacracy is not a consent process; it is based on surfacing and integrating objections. In Holacracy, an objection is a reason why, based on presently known data, a proposal would limit the circle's ability to express its purpose, in a way that wasn't already present in the organization before the proposal.
    Lead and rep links are not managers. They have a specific set of accountabilities related to cross-circle communication and tension processing.
  • Karl Higley on 2012-01-23 06:08:27
    1. Dynamic Steering: Mental shift from predicting how things will or ought to be, to discovering what is needed now based on currently known data.

    "Establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer points throughout the company’s operations. This allows planning and decision-making processes to focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and then letting reality inform the next step, rather than agonizing about what 'might' happen in an effort to conjure up a theoretical 'best' decision that still doesn’t quite get it right." -- Organization Evolved, pg 2
    2. Tension Processing
    3. Distributed Authority: All circles hold strategy, governance, and tactical meetings. Each role has the authority to autocratically make decisions related to its roles and scopes, to the extent that those decision do not conflict with the authority of other roles.

    "[...] Holacracy distributes the job of evolving the organization across the entire company. This decreases the overload at the top and the disengagement found elsewhere, while instilling new capacities for learning and adaptability throughout the organization." -- Organization Evolved, pg 4
    4. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a holarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has a purpose and scope, defined by its super-circle, and...

    "Each circle has the autonomy and authority to define and evolve the roles, accountabilities, policies, and processes needed to organize and govern its operations in service of its purpose." -- Organization Evolved, pg 3
    5. Double-Linking: Sub and super circles are linked via two roles which belong to and take part in the meeting processes of both circles. The sub-circle Lead Link role is accountable for carrying the needs of the super-circle into the sub-circle. The sub-circle's Rep Link role is accountable for carrying the sub-circle's needs into the super-circle.

    "Lead Links hold the perspective and functions needed to align the sub-circle with the purpose, strategy, and needs of its broader context. Rep Links carry front-line feedback to that broader context, while guarding the autonomy and sustainability of the sub-circle within that environment." -- Organiation Evolved, pg 3
  • Karl Higley on 2012-01-23 05:56:51
    Comprehensive practice for governing and running organizations. Its practices and process are intended to promote rapid and reliable processing of any tension sensed by anyone, anywhere in the organization.
    Organizational Objections|Personal Objections|Consent
    Lead and rep links|Managers
    1. Dynamic Steering: Mental shift from predicting how things will or ought to be, to discovering what is needed now based on currently known data.

    "Establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer points throughout the company’s operations. This allows planning and decision-making processes to focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and then letting reality inform the next step, rather than agonizing about what 'might' happen in an effort to conjure up a theoretical 'best' decision that still doesn’t quite get it right." -- Organization Evolved, pg 2
    2. Tension Processing
    3. Distributed Authority: All circles hold strategy, governance, and tactical meetings. Each role has the authority to autocratically make decisions related to its roles and scopes, to the extent that those decision do not conflict with the authority of other roles.

    "[...] Holacracy distributes the job of evolving the organization across the entire company. This decreases the overload at the top and the disengagement found elsewhere, while instilling new capacities for learning and adaptability throughout the organization." -- Organization Evolved, pg 4
    4. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a holarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has a purpose and scope, defined by its super-circle, and...

    "Each circle has the autonomy and authority to define and evolve the roles, accountabilities, policies, and processes needed to organize and govern its operations in service of its purpose." -- Organization Evolved, pg 3
    5. Double-Linking: Sub and super circles are linked via two roles which belong to and take part in the meeting processes of both circles. The sub-circle Lead Link role is accountable for carrying the needs of the super-circle into the sub-circle. The sub-circle's Rep Link role is accountable for carrying the sub-circle's needs into the super-circle.
  • Karl Higley on 2012-01-23 05:19:20
    Comprehensive practice for governing and running organizations rooted in tension processing.

    Holacracy: From Aim to Action
    Best for
    Purpose driven organizations.
    Organizations|Communities Role|Soul Objection|Consent Lead and rep links|Managers
    Other resources
    Organization Evolved
    Differentiating Role and Soul
    The Power of Governance
    The Irony of Empowerment
    Contrasting Paradigms: Holacracy & Sociocracy
    1. Dynamic Steering: "Establishing tight feedback loops and frequent steer points throughout the company’s operations. This allows planning and decision-making processes to focus on quickly reaching a workable decision and then letting reality inform the next step, rather than agonizing about what 'might' happen in an effort to conjure up a theoretical 'best' decision that still doesn’t quite get it right." -- Organization Evolved, pg 2
    2. Tension Processing
    3. Distributed Authority
    4. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a hierarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has its own aim, given by the higher-level circle, and has the authority and responsibility to execute, measure, and control its own processes to move towards its aim.
    5. Double-Linking: Sub and super circles are linked via two roles which belong to and take part in the meeting processes of both circles. The sub-circle Lead Link role is accountable for carrying the needs of the super-circle into the sub-circle. The sub-circle's Rep Link role is accountable for carrying the sub-circle's needs into the super-circle.
    Rules / Process
    Holacracy Constitution
    Governance Process
    Tactical Meeting Process
  • Alexis on 2012-01-10 18:24:52
    Other resources
    Organizations at the leading edge by Brian J Robertson.
    Best for
    Holacracy is best used for any type of organizations, whether it is a for profit or a non profit. It's main focus is on how to align the typical organizational structure into its natural an organic structure. It is very useful to speed up the flow of information bottom up and viceversa and facilitates rapid decision making with high levels of information about the issues to be decided.
  • Alexis on 2012-01-10 18:21:36
    1. Decision Making by Consent: Consent is a method of decision-making whereby the arguments presented in discussing a decision are of paramount importance, and the result of the discussion is that no one present knows of a paramount reason to continue discussion before proceeding with the proposed decision.
    Note: this is consent, not consensus.
    2. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a hierarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has its own aim, given by the higher-level circle, and has the authority and responsibility to execute, measure, and control its own processes to move towards its aim.
    3. Double-Linking: A lower circle is always linked to the circle above it via at least two people who belong to and take part in the decision making of both the higher circle and the lower circle. One of these links is the person with overall accountability for the lower-level circle's results, and the other is a representative elected from within the lower-level circle.
    4. Elections by Consent: People are elected to key roles exclusively by consent after open discussion (this is not a democratic majority-vote election!). Most notably, the election process applies to the representative elected from a lower-level circle to a higher-level circle.
  • Ferananda on 2012-01-10 18:05:25
    Best for
  • Ferananda on 2012-01-10 18:01:44
    Best for
  • Ferananda on 2011-12-30 07:06:50
    1. Decision Making by Consent: Consent is a method of decision-making whereby the arguments presented in discussing a decision are of paramount importance, and the result of the discussion is that no one present knows of a paramount reason to continue discussion before proceeding with the proposed decision. Note: this is consent, not consensus. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2. Circle Organization: The organization is built of a hierarchy of semi-autonomous circles. Each circle has its own aim, given by the higher-level circle, and has the authority and responsibility to execute, measure, and control its own processes to move towards its aim. .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3. Double-Linking: A lower circle is always linked to the circle above it via at least two people who belong to and take part in the decision making of both the higher circle and the lower circle. One of these links is the person with overall accountability for the lower-level circle's results, and the other is a representative elected from within the lower-level circle. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::4. Elections by Consent: People are elected to key roles exclusively by consent after open discussion (this is not a democratic majority-vote election!). Most notably, the election process applies to the representative elected from a lower-level circle to a higher-level circle.
  • Ferananda on 2011-12-30 06:49:20
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