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History of Labour

Last update 2011-09-05 14:00:23
Creation date 2011-09-05 09:01:33
  • politica on 2011-09-05 14:00:23
  • politica on 2011-09-05 13:59:04
    Principle 1
    ACC – Everybody is Covered
    Principle 2
    Retaining ACC in Public Hands - Keeping it Kiwi
    Principle 3
    Ensuring New Zealanders pay fair and reasonable levies
    Principle 4
    Extending and Improving ACC
    Principle 5
    Injury Prevention
    Detail 1
    Labour will continue to maintain ACC as a publicly administered and delivered social insurance scheme which focuses on injury prevention, along with fair and effective treatment and rehabilitation.
    Detail 2
    Labour will introduce an immediate law change to extend the 2014 fully funded target to 2019 for the Residual Claims accounts to reduce pressure on New Zealanders’ levy payments.
    Detail 3
    Labour will review ACC’s coverage of work-related pain disorders.
    Detail 4
    Labour will ensure ACC reduces the time taken to make a decision about Earnings Related Compensation in marginal cases.
    Detail 5
    Labour will improve the Accredited Employers' Scheme to ensure it is fairer for injured workers in light of Council of Trade Unions and Business NZ recommendations.
    Detail 6
    Labour will complete the implementation of the non-fiscal recommendations of the Goddard Report on Physiotherapists and move towards an agreed sustainable funding model for the future.
    Detail 7
    Labour will build on the success of the New Zealand Injury Prevention Strategy to ensure ACC has a leadership and coordinating role in its implementation and will work to improve further New Zealand’s injury prevention record.
    Detail 8
    Labour will strengthen workplace injury prevention initiatives through industry taskforces to increase the skill levels and number of trained Health and Safety Representatives (currently 20,000).
  • politica on 2011-09-05 09:01:33
    Goal or Vision
    Labour is firmly committed to keeping ACC in public ownership and we will continue to improve it. ACC belongs to New Zealanders and every Kiwi is a shareholder.
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