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History of Mark Frazier

Last update 2011-08-27 03:13:32
Creation date 2011-08-22 21:26:16
  • openworld on 2011-08-27 03:13:32
    Mark Frazier
  • openworld on 2011-08-27 03:12:33
    Gift Pool
  • openworld on 2011-08-26 00:33:04
    Summary Description
    A system for members of Next Edge – and later, other tribes? – to bootstrap gamechanging initiatives through pledged gifts

    Value for Multiple Tracks? Possible (eg #NewCurrencies #TransOrg)
  • openworld on 2011-08-26 00:08:19
    1. ATTRACTOR - what makes this interesting
    Next Edgers can pledge resources – such as funds, volunteer help, Frequent Flyer miles gifts – to seed gamechanging ventures
  • openworld on 2011-08-25 22:34:40
    1. ATTRACTOR - what makes this interesting
    Next Edgers can pledge resources (such as funds, volunteer help, Frequent Flyer miles gifts) to seed gamechanging ventures
  • openworld on 2011-08-25 22:30:21
    5. TEST - what stakeholders think of steps
    Acceptance issues (via Facebook poll?):

    • Does our subgroup agree on a draft strategy?
    • Do we want to build an inhouse solution, or try with outside platforms?
    • Do we invite other subgroups to offer candidate projects, people?
    • Are Next Edge founders & widely-admired folks on board with idea?
    • (once introduced tribe-wide) Are tribe members willing to pledge?
    6. DECISION – next action
    Next steps:
    • Compare tribesourcing/Crowd Fund ideas
    • Next weekly conversation explores open issues, moves toward consensus
    Pattern initiator (contact)
    Mark Frazier (Skype Openworld) or mfrazier at openworld dot com
  • openworld on 2011-08-25 22:28:14
    Proposed name of initiative
    NextEdge Gift Pool

    "Tribesourcing Pool"
    or "Edgling Pool"
    3. OPPORTUNITY - vision of achievable change
    • Next Edge innovators overcome startup resource bottlenecks

    • (Some) innovations ease or resolve local and global crises

    • Next Edge "Gift Pool" system gains attention and is adopted by aligned tribes
  • openworld on 2011-08-25 22:26:35
    1. ATTRACTOR - what makes this interesting
    Next Edgers can pledge resources to seed gamechanging ventures
    Proposed name of initiative
    Gift Pool

    "Tribesourcing Pool"
    or "Edgling Pool"
  • openworld on 2011-08-25 22:23:59
    Proposed name of initiative
    Gift Pool
    Alternative names: "Tribesourcing" or "Edgling Pool"
  • openworld on 2011-08-24 05:23:45
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy

    • Tribe members who opt into the Pool pledge monthly funds or inkind resources. Once each quarter, members vote and choose an admired, well-known figure to disburse the Pool's resources. The assembled resources go to recipients identified by the trusted figure as having breakthrough potential. Recipients deliver monthly progress reports to the tribe in a format designed by the trusted figure.

    Other promising paths:

    • Each Next Edge subgroup votes every month to choose 2-3 people and/or projects showing promise to advance its "track" aims. These are posted on Beex, Kickstarter (or similar inhouse pledge site developed by Next Edge). Each innovator outlines specific reporting/tracking commitments for his or her project in advance. The full Next Edge community reviews and discusses on a Gift Pool wiki. Individuals who have committed to Gift Pool support donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

    • Tribe members who commit to a Gift Pool support go to an external or internal pledge site each month and review (unfiltered) profiles by Next Edge innovators. They donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

  • openworld on 2011-08-24 05:21:27
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy

    • Tribe members who opt into the Pool pledge monthly funds or inkind resource. Once each quarter, membrs vote and choose an admired, well-known figure to disburse the Pool's resources. The assembled resources go to recipients identified by the trusted figure as having breakthrough potential. Recipients deliver monthly progress reports to the tribe in a format designed by the trusted figure.

    Other promising paths:

    • Each Next Edge subgroup votes every month to choose 2-3 people and/or projects showing promise to advance its "track" aims. These are posted on Beex, Kickstarter (or similar inhouse pledge site developed by Next Edge). Each innovator outlines specific reporting/tracking commitments for his or her project in advance. The full Next Edge community reviews and discusses on a Gift Pool wiki. Individuals who have committed to Gift Pool support donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

    • Tribe members who commit to a Gift Pool support go to an external or internal pledge site each month and review (unfiltered) profiles by Next Edge innovators. They donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

  • openworld on 2011-08-24 05:20:21
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy

    • Tribe members who opt in pledge monthly funds or inkind resources to the Gift Pool. Once each quarter, Next Edgers vote and choose an admired, well-known figure to disburse the Pool's resources. The assembled resources go to recipients identified by the trusted figure as having breakthrough potential. Recipients deliver monthly progress reports to the tribe in a format designed by the trusted figure.

    Other promising paths:

    • Each Next Edge subgroup votes every month to choose 2-3 people and/or projects showing promise to advance its "track" aims. These are posted on Beex, Kickstarter (or similar inhouse pledge site developed by Next Edge). Each innovator outlines specific reporting/tracking commitments for his or her project in advance. The full Next Edge community reviews and discusses on a Gift Pool wiki. Individuals who have committed to Gift Pool support donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

    • Tribe members who commit to a Gift Pool support go to an external or internal pledge site each month and review (unfiltered) profiles by Next Edge innovators. They donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

  • openworld on 2011-08-23 06:51:44
    Proposed name of initiative
    Gift Pool
    Alternative names: Tribesourcing or Edgling Pool
  • openworld on 2011-08-23 06:51:31
    Proposed name of initiative
    Gift Pool
    Alternative names: Tribesourcing or Edgling Pool
  • openworld on 2011-08-23 06:44:52
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy

    • Tribe members who commit to Gift Pool support offer seed resources every three months for an admired figure to give to any projects he or she sees as having breakthrough potentials. Recipients share monthly or quarterly progress reports with the tribe in a format to be set by the giver. The tribe votes each quarter to select a new admired figure to be the trusted gift-giver.

    Other promising paths:

    • Each Next Edge subgroup votes every month to choose 2-3 people and/or projects showing promise to advance its "track" aims. These are posted on Beex, Kickstarter (or similar inhouse pledge site developed by Next Edge). Each innovator outlines specific reporting/tracking commitments for his or her project in advance. The full Next Edge community reviews and discusses on a Gift Pool wiki. Individuals who have committed to Gift Pool support donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

    • Tribe members who commit to a Gift Pool support go to an external or internal pledge site each month and review (unfiltered) profiles by Next Edge innovators. They donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

  • openworld on 2011-08-23 06:42:16
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy

    • Tribe members who commit to Gift Pool support offer seed resources every three months for an admired figure to give to any projects he or she sees as having breakthrough potentials. Recipients share monthly or quarterly progress reports with the tribe in a format to be set by the giver. The tribe votes each quarter to select a new admired figure to be the trusted gift-giver.

    Other promising paths:

    • Each Next Edge subgroup votes every month to choose 2-3 people and/or projects showing promise to advance its "track" aims. These are posted on Beex, Kickstarter (or similar inhouse pledge site developed by Next Edge). Each innovator outlines specific reporting/tracking commitments for his or her project in advance. The full Next Edge community reviews and discusses on a Gift Pool wiki. Individuals who have committed to Gift Pool support donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.
    • Tribe members who commit to a Gift Pool support go to an external or internal pledge site each month and review (unfiltered) profiles by Next Edge innovators. They donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

    Critical issues to resolve (in any strategy)
    • How will projects be sourced?
    • How will they be evaluated?
    • What kind of control / reporting is needed?
  • openworld on 2011-08-23 06:41:17
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy
    • Tribe members who commit to Gift Pool support offer seed resources every three months for an admired figure to give to any projects he or she sees as having breakthrough potentials. Recipients share monthly or quarterly progress reports with the tribe in a format to be set by the giver. The tribe votes each quarter to select a new admired figure to be the trusted gift-giver.

    Other promising paths:
    • Each Next Edge subgroup votes every month to choose 2-3 people and/or projects showing promise to advance its "track" aims. These are posted on Beex, Kickstarter (or similar inhouse pledge site developed by Next Edge). Each innovator outlines specific reporting/tracking commitments for his or her project in advance. The full Next Edge community reviews and discusses on a Gift Pool wiki. Individuals who have committed to Gift Pool support donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.
    • Tribe members who commit to a Gift Pool support go to an external or internal pledge site each month and review (unfiltered) profiles by Next Edge innovators. They donate funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact measures.

    Critical issues to resolve (in any strategy)
    • How will projects be sourced?
    • How will they be evaluated?
    • What kind of control / reporting is needed?
  • openworld on 2011-08-23 06:14:40
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy
    • Tribe members self-organize and pledge seed gifts for admired figures to invest in projects with breakthrough potential

    Other promising paths:

    • Subgroups nominate promising people and/or projects to advance "track" aims, bring to tribe's attention; or
    • Individuals use inhouse pledge system, or existing pledge sites eg Kickstart, Beex, to pool support for individuals or projects of their choosing

    Critical issues to resolve (in any strategy)
    • How will projects be sourced?
    • How will they be evaluated?
    • What kind of control / reporting is needed?
  • openworld on 2011-08-23 05:44:08
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy
    • How will projects be sourced; How will they be evaluated; What kind of control / reporting etc is needed.

    Other promising paths:

    • Subgroups nominate promising people and/or projects to advance "track" aims, bring to tribe's attention; or
    • Individuals use inhouse pledge system, or existing pledge sites eg Kickstart, Beex, to pool support for individuals or projects of their choosing

    Critical issues to resolve (in any strategy)
    • How will projects be sourced?
    • How will they be evaluated?
    • What kind of control / reporting is needed?
  • openworld on 2011-08-23 04:18:43
    4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
    Preferred strategy
    • Tribe members self-organize and pledge seed gifts for admired figures to "invest" in projects with breakthrough potential

    Other promising paths:
    • Subgroups nominate promising people and/or projects to advance "track" aims, & bring them to tribe's attention; or
    • Individuals use inhouse pledge system, or existing pledge sites eg Kickstart, Beex, to pool support for individuals or projects of their choosing
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