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Time Pledges

Next Edge Support Systems for Early Stage Funders
Time Pledges
Proposed name of initiativeNextEdge Volunteer Pool
SubtitlePool "gift certificates" of personal research time for funded projects
Summary DescriptionPledge __ hours of research help to others in the community (on topics of their choosing), if three others pledge to do the same. Build visibility and relationships with other NextEdgers

When to useWhen we have time and are feeling generous
When not to useWhen our time's too short
1. ATTRACTOR - what makes this interestingGive a boost to NextEdgers or aligned projects you most admire (with a prospect of reputation-building feedback)
2. CHALLENGE(S) - tensions addressed1) Many nascent NextEdge initiatives need volunteer help

2) NextEdgers now lack a system to offer help – and to receive ratings/references that lift value of their personal currencies
3. OPPORTUNITY - vision of achievable change(as a giver)
- Good feelings from helping out
- Relationship/visibility with other NextEdgers
- Reputation boost for personal currency

(as a receiver)
- Free help for projects you value
4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change1) Evaluate fit of pledge sites (,, etc) for NextEdge love bombs

2) Create simple web site for Next Edgers to create, issue, track redemption of personal "gift certificates of time", and a rating system for recipients to leave feedback on completion of each project

3) Approach Tribesourcing/Crowd Fund subgroup on Next Edge about a joint pilot project

4) Do beta test with one or more admired NextEdgers as initial Love Bomb recipients

5) Improve the system based on the beta test

6) Conduct a full-fledged Next Edge pilot

7) "Productize" the system as an open source app that can be shared with other Next Edge-aligned tribes

5. TEST - what stakeholders think of steps- Do New Currency subgroup members think a pilot is worth doing?
- Are creators of pledge apps (eg Beex) willing to customize their solutions for a subgroup pilot?
- Will participants in the pilot find it useful?
- If they do, will a Kickstarter or similar pledge drive get enough backing to prepare a NextEdge-wide community solution?
6. DECISION – next actionShall we explore NextEdge Love Bombs in the upcoming conference call?
Gaps to be filled for this pattern
Related uplift patterns
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Past use
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Future use (links to prediction wagers)
Pattern initiator (contact)Mark Frazier (Skype: openworld)
Votes 1
2011-08-27 05:40:35
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