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Instagram Tools
tags, location, followers, followings, likers, commenters Tags & Locations: Targeting by tags allows you to like and/or comment on media posted under Tags or Locations, and/or follow users who posted those media
Tags & LocationsYES
allows you to follow users who follow Usernames added in your setting added in your settings (Followers of Usernames),and/or like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Beside, You can also target your own Followers (all users who follow your instagram account)
allows you to follow users followed by Usernames added in your setting added in your settings (Followers of Usernames), like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Beside, You can also target your own Followings (all users who you are following)
allows you to follow users followed by Usernames added in your setting added in your settings (Followers of Usernames), like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Beside, You can also target your own Followings (all users who you are following)
allows you to follow users who have liked media posted by Usernames added in your setting added in your settings,like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Beside, You can also target your own Likers (all users who have liked your media posted)
allows you to follow users who have commented media posted by Usernames added in your setting added in your settings,like and/or comment on most recent media posted by those users. Beside, You can also target your own Likers (all users who have commented your media posted)
Activity speedYES
slow, medium, fast
Advanced FiltersYES
Media Age Filter, Media type Filter, Min. likes Filter, Max. likes Filter, Min. comments Filter, Max. comments Filter, Min. followers Filter, Max. followers Filter, Min. followings Filter, Max. followings Filter, User profile Filter, User relation Filter
Tags blacklist, Usernames blacklist, Keyworks blacklist
Auto stopYES
Timer, Likes counter, Follows counters, Unfollows counters, Comments counters, Direct messages counters
Schedule activityYES
Auto postYES
Payment systemYES
Auto Image resizeYES
Upload media to postYES
Import mediaYES
Login & SignupYES
Secure Password HashingYES
Email notificationsYES
Email templateYES
Spintax supportYES
Supported SSLYES
Emoji SupportYES
Proxy supportYES
Social searchYES
Automatic timezoneYES
Multilingual readyYES
Preview postYES
Schedule postsYES
Save captionYES
Social networks
2018-12-29 18:21:21
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