Compare Sizes
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0 is the professional edition to build a personalized comparison engine about products, software, services, competitors, providers....
Products Comparison Chart Software
Make a comparison chartJa no technical skills required
Embed a comparison chartJa copy/paste an html code
Customize embed tableJa colors, fonts, sizes...
Import dataJa CSV, HTML, XML
Export dataJa CSV, HTML (and in other formats on request)
Criteria typesThe same criteria types + "button" criteria to make nice links (great for price button or affiliate link).
Add imagesJa link or upload
Add videoJa
Multilingual ContentJa not activated by default
Ability to share on social networksJa
Comments below comparison tableJa not activated by default
Modifications HistoryJa not visible by default
Build a comparison engineJa
Manage categoriesJa easy drag and drop categories management
Private comparison engineJa Possible to use on Intranet with HTTPS protocol
Integrate "Add to Compare" buttonJa great for ecommerce to integrate the comparison engine to their existing online shop
Customize comparison engineJa
White label comparison engineJa In option, it is possible to remove SocialCompare credits and have a custom domain name.
Visual comparison sizes toolJa the visual comparison button appears on the top left corner of the table when at least 2 dimensions (height, width or depth) are filled in.
Usage example
  • Ecommerce: create a comparison shopping guide to help customers decisions and integrate "add to compare" button to their existing online shop
  • Affiliate Marketers: make detailed products, software or services comparison site with affiliate links of theirs partners.
  • Enterprises: make easily a collaborative private site where all the team members can create and maintain data about competitors, providers, customers or elaborate marketing products comparisons report... Publish public pricing plans for their products or services and embed it into their corporate website.
  • ...
Data licensesPrivate data
PreisFrom 9.99€/mo
Vanina Community
2011-09-26 23:48:05
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