Aktualisieren2021-03-26 09:20:472021-03-26 09:20:47
Built-in professional survey templatesJa
Copy (clone) surveyJa
Single question / multiple questions per pageJa
Randomize questions order (mixing)Ja
Automatic question numberingJa
Show / hide survey progress barJa
Social media sharing pluginJa
Make questions requiredJa
Custom texts between questionsJa
Test mode & survey previewJa
Export blank survey to PDF (print)Ja
Survey logic (question jumps and skips) Themes & BrandingJa in paid version
modern pre-built survey designsJa
Multimedia in questions (image, video)Ja
Editable survey buttonsJa
Survey dashboard statisticsJa
Instant aggregated resultsJa
Real-time charts & graphs (pie, bar, column, stacked)Ja
Single click graph printingJa
Analysis of individual responsesJa
View individual responses in your surveyJa
Toggle individual responses (on / off)Ja
Filtering & segmentation by answers / source / dateJa