  • Free plan: 1 landing page + unlimited customer signups
  • Plus Plan 15$/month: 1 landing page + unlimited customer signups
  • Premium Plan 20$/month : 5 landing pages + unlimited customer signups + 10 newsletters/month
  • Max Plan 50$/month : 25 landing pages + unlimited customer signups + 100 newsletters / month
  • Free plan: 50 Invitations
  • Tin Plan : 19$/month 200 Invitations + Feedback widget
  • Bronze Plan : 49$/month 500 Invitations + Feedback widget + Viral invites
  • SilverPlan : 99$/month 2000 Invitations + Feedback widget + Viral invites + Tester Analytics + SSL security
  • Gold Plan: 225$/month 5000 Invitations + Feedback widget + Viral invites + Tester Analytics + SSL security
Landing PageJa Between 1 and 25JaJa
Design a landing pageJaNein
Custom Colors & CSSJaJa
HTML form builderNeinJa to customize your invitation formNein
Customer SignupsUnlimitedunlimited
Create generic invitation codesNeinJaNein
Viral Invite SystemJaJa
Newsletters per month10000
Edit SEO (configure meta tags)JaNeinNein
Custom Headers & Scripts add 3rd party servicesJaNeinNein
Analytics dashboardJa Influencer & demographic customer insightsJaJa
Google Analytics integrationJaNeinNein
Feedback WidgetNeinJaNein
Invite-a-Friend WidgetJa Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google plusJa Facebook, Twitter, Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and more.
Custom Domain(s) use your own url(s)JaJa
White Label solutionJa for all paying plansJa for silver and gold plansNein
Edit Social Sharing tweet text and open graphJaNein
AutorespondersJa thank you & influencer mailsNein
Email notificationsJa daily or weeklyNeinNein
Import and Export customer dataJaJa Export into CSV (Comma Separated Values) file or to an XML file. Prefinery also offers a direct export to various CRM and E-mail marketing services, such as Highrise by 37signals, Campaign Monitor, and MailChimp.Nein
SSL SecurityNeinJaNein
Desktop Software LaunchNeinJa between 50 MB Storage and 2 GB StorageNein
Pre-qualified testersNeinJaNein
Customer Support
Email supportJaJa
Phone supportJaNeinNein
Livechat supportJaNeinJa
Aktualisieren2022-12-08 20:24:022022-12-08 20:24:062011-10-21 09:10:25