Merchant CountMore than 12500 MerchantsMore than 17000 merchants
Already Affiliated Link WarningJa VigLink shows how many already affiliated links are available on your pages (but no further information)Nein SkimLinks does not show any warning about the existing affiliatedlinks.
Link OverrideJa Amazon and Ebay linksJa Amazon links only
Contextual AdvertisementNeinJa SkimWords, generate automatic links from product references...
Products Search WidgetNeinJa Amazon & EBay
Products Feed APINeinJa EveryFeed
Links APIJa
Links in RSS feedNeinJa SkimRSS
URL shortenersNeinJaJa
Custom sub domainNeinJaJa
Disclosure BadgeJaJaJa
Setupautomatically approved (after email validation)It requires up to 3 business days for approvalautomatically approved (after email validation)

Copy/Paste JavaScript

Supports REST API on request.

Also have "Installation Checker"

Copy/Paste JavaScript

Also support Flash integration

Copy/Paste Javascript
Active Merchant On StartUnfortunately all merchants are not active at first day. And VigLink doesn't give any details about that.%100 SkimLinks says, all merchants are active at first day.
Integration with third parties services
Plug-ins & Integrations
  • Tapatalk Integration
  • ForumRunner Integration
  • Apps Integration
  • phpBB Plugin
  • vBulletin Plugin
  • Wordpress Plugin
  • vBulletin Plugin
  • WordPress Plugin
  • Blogger Integration
  • Typepad Integration
  • Tumblr Integration
  • Ning Integration
Revenue shareThey take a %25 commission cut and leave you %75They take a %25 commission cut and leave you %75
Minimum payout$ 0€ 10 or £7
Payment methods
  • Monthly via PayPal
  • Monthly via PayPal.
  • UK/US Bank Transfer
  • US Check
  • Only PayPal for international publishers.
Transaction FeeVigLink pays the all PayPal feesSkimLinks pays the bank transfer fees and the PayPal fees
Commission Calculationabout 1-2 Daysabout 2-3 Days
Referral ProgramIf you refer a publisher to VigLink, you will earn a referral fee equal to 10% of VigLink commissions for the first year. The publisher earnings will not be affected.SkimLinks gives 10% of their earning commission for text referrals and give 12% for banner/badge links during one year.

Compatible with U.S. system only.

So if you are non-US publisher :

U.S. Laws wants to have %30 income tax from alien foreigners! It also requires to fill in complicated forms and apply for ITIN (tax id number) to do legal business.

Finally, you might need to pay your income tax at your country.

For U.K. Citizens they collect VAT.

For other countries. You can pay your income tax to your country with your country laws...

Statistics ViewCalendar StyleGraphic Style
Statistics FilteringNoneSupports filtering by domain and merchant
Statistics RangeWeekly and monthly ranges available only. Daily statistics not availableAllow custom statistics ranges
Statistics ExportCSV export for a week onlyXML, CSV, PDF export for custom ranges
Clicks StatisticsLive or with little delayAfter a day
Affiliated Pages StatisticsJaNeinJa
Affiliates Links StatisticsJaNeinJa
Company CountryUSAUKGermany