5.0/5 1 rating
4.0/5 1 rating
3.0/5 1 rating
Last UpdateMar. 22nd 2015 Mar. 22nd 2015 Mar. 22nd 2015
Editor/OwnerAlphabet Inc. / Google Inc.DuckDuckGo, Inc. (USA)Microsoft Inc.
Languages123 available97 available (If there is another language you would like to see added, you can tweet them @DuckDuckGo)40 avaliable
Unique visitors per monthMarch 2015: eBizMBA Rank | 1,100,000,000March 2015: eBizMBA Rank | 13,000,000March 2015: eBizMBA Rank | 350,000,000
Created byLarry Page; Sergey BrinGabriel WeinbergMicrosoft
Launch dateSep. 15th 1997 Sep. 25th 2008 Jun. 1st 2009
RegistrationGoogle accountNoneLive account
FeaturesImages, Videos, Flights, Weather, Dictionary, Stock quotes, Timer, Calculator, Unit conversion, Currency conversion, Movie showtimes, Public data, Patent numbers, Phone# area codes, Doesn't collect any data, Search shortcuts and !bangs, Customizable interface, "Search engine that puts privacy first, rather than collecting data for advertisers and security agencies."Images, News, Shopping, Maps, Videos, Flights, Apps, Weather, Dictionary, Stock quotes, Timer, Calculator, Unit conversion, Currency conversion, Movie showtimes, Health information, Public data, Patent numbers, Phone# area codes, Daily changing background image, Right side extended preview, Video thumbnail Preview, Bing rewards.