Raspberry Pi BArduino Nano
Product details
Processing UnitBCM2835 ProcessorATmega328P micro controller
Clock Speed 700MHzNo 16MHz
RAM 512 MBNo 2 KB
USB 2x USB 2.0 mini-USB
HDMI portNo
EthernetNo Via external module + requires suitable code
Wi-Fi- Via USB dongleNo Via external module + requires suitable code
Bluetooth®- Via USB dongleNo Via external module + requires suitable code
Logic level- 3.3V - Compatible with less sensors 5V
GPIO 26-pins- 14 Digital (6 PWM) + 6 Analog
Program Execution Programs can run at the same timeNo One program can run at once
PriceNo 35$ 5$
Size- 85.6 mm × 54.0 mm 43.2 mm × 18.5 mm
Power rating- 700 mW 175 mW