ImageVidéoSite webPrixCompatibilitéPoidsFeatures
3BAYS,95 $Compatible with iOS and Android devices0,3 oz.- Available as swing analyzer or in putting edition - World's lightest swing analyzer attaches directly to the end of your club - Records club head speed, face angle, swing path, tempo, down swing time, back swing time, impact force, ball speed, carry distance and consistency - Animates path of club head - Tracks data via mobile app - Compare your swing to professionals',99 $Compatible with iOS and Android devices10 oz.- Pairs via Bluetooth and logs up to 2,000 shots - Records club use, distance and speed of ball - Provides instant audible feedback - Analyzes performance data by shot or club - Data helps you select optimal club - Uses Doppler radar technology to measure ball distance and ball speed,99 $Compatible with iOS and Android devices4 lbs.- Instant, audible feedback on swing - Provides immediate feedback on device or via mobile app - Extremely accurate feedback on: club speed, launch angle, ball speed, smash factor, spin rate and distance,95 $Compatible with iOS and Android devices1 oz.- Attaches to glove - Free mobile app that shows comprehensive stats - Offers swing tips and swing history - High-velocity motion engine and four MEMS sensors - Calculates club speed, club position, swing tempo, and swing path,95 $Compatible with iOS devices23,5 g- Syncs with mobile app - Shows swing path, club head speed, swing plane, club face rotation, shaft angles and more - Gives 3D animation of swing - Compare two swings and watch animation of your swing in slow motion - Offers practice drills to fix flaws
SwingByte $Compatible with iOS and Android devices1 oz.- Bluetooth-enabled to sync with sleek mobile app - Video integration and side-by-side comparisons - 3D renderings of a swing - Captures club head speed, acceleration, angle at impact and much more,95 $Compatible with iOS and Android devices0,75 oz.- Bluetooth-enabled - Shows 360-degree view of your swing - Displays tempo, swing speed, club face angle, and angle of attack - Access to video tutorials $Compatible with iOS and Android devices- Bluetooth-enabled - 3D motion sensor that attaches directly on your club - Instant feedback on swing data, 3D renderings of your swing, auto-video capture, and plane analysis - Practice drills and tips