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DescriptionJPEG is the most common image format used by digital cameras, it is the most common format for storing and transmitting photographic images on the World Wide Web.PNG was created to improve GIF image-file format. Removing patent license issues at that time; and removing 256 colors limitation.WebP is an image file format developed by Google, and supposed to be a new open standard for lossily compressed true color graphics. It's a direct competitor to JPEG.SVG is an XML based file format. It allows to create vector graphics with animation and interaction support. It can be edited with any text editor.AV1 Image File Format is a recent image format based on the AV1 video codec and with a wide feature set.GIF is a bitmap image format that allows a lossless compression by reducing the image to 256 distinct colors. It has been replaced by PNG after fear over patent issues. It is still widely used for animation as it's the only format that supports animation and that is widely supported by browsers.JPEG XL is the next generation image format, with the ambition to replace the old JPEG format for the long term.JPEG 2000 is an enhancement of the JPEG standard. It supports transparency, is able to store lossless data. It is also having a better compression level. As it is unsupported by several browsers, it has not been widely used on the Internet.BMP File Format as been widely used on Windows platform. Although it supports data compression and alpha channels, these features were not widely used as it was not supported by all image editors.RAW relates to several image file formats since each camera manufacturer has one or several formats (depending on equipments). These files contains the data acquired by sensors almost unprocessed.TIFF is a file format for storing images losslessly. It is widely supported by image-manipulation applications, by scanning, faxing, word processing, optical character recognition and other applications.EPS is a file extension for a graphics file format used in vector-based images in Adobe Illustrator. EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript. An EPS file can contain text as well as graphics.High Efficiency Image File Format is a container format developed by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). The format has several variants and supports individual or sequences of images.PICT is a graphics file format introduced on the original Apple Macintosh computer as its standard metafile format. It allows the interchange of graphics (both bitmapped and vector), and some limited text support, between Mac applications, and was the native graphics format of QuickDraw.PCX, standing for PiCture eXchange, was the native file format for PC Paintbrush and became one of the first widely accepted DOS imaging standards, although it has since been succeeded by more sophisticated image formats.PDF is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. Each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to display it.PSD is the default image file format used by Adobe Photoshop. It supports layers and transparency.TGA format is used widely in paint, graphics, and imaging applications that require the storage of image data containing up to 32 bits per pixel. TGA has also become popular in the world of still-video editing.WMF is an image file format intended to be portable between applications and may contain both vector graphics and bitmap components. It acts in a similar manner to SVG files.
Développé parJoint Photographic Experts GroupW3C (donated by PNG Development Group)GoogleW3CAlliance for Open Media (AOM)CompuServeJoint Photographic Experts GroupJoint Photographic Experts GroupMicrosoftCamera manufacturersAdobeAdobeMPEGApple ComputerZSoft CorporationAdobe (until 2008)
ISO (since 2008)
AdobeTrueVision, IncMicrosoft
Année199219962010 (lossy) 2011 (lossless/alpha/animation)2001 (SVG 1.0)20191987 (still)
1989 (animated)
202120001984 (version 1)
1998 (version 5)
multiple proprietary formats exist1986 (version 1)
1992 (version 6)
1982201519841985 (version 1)
1991 (version 5)
1993 (first version) 2017 (PDF 2.0)1990 (first version) (not standardized)1984 (version 1)
1989 (version 2)
AvantagesSmall file size
Widely supported format
Good color range
Widely accepted format
Transparency support
Small file size (Smaller than JPEG with comparable image quality)Vector graphics: can be resized without quality loss
Text-based: can be edited with a text editor
Small file sizeSimple animations/short video clips
Widely supported format
Transparency support
Lossless compression
Smaller file sizes
Small file size (Smaller than JPEG with comparable image quality)
Modern features (HDR, animation...)
Small file sizeFast to encodeLosslessLossless
High-quality images
Compatible with both PCs and Macs
Multiple images and multiple pages can be saved in one file
Scalable to any size
Compatibility for vector graphics
Ideal for printing/output
Best file format for on-screen display on the Macintosh
Best printing format from the Macintosh to a non-PostScript printer
Image information retained
Good quality image
Protects intellectual property
Maintains printed format
Layers support
Transparency support
Well-defined, well-documented format in wide use, which is quick and easy to read and decompressLossless
InconvénientsLossy compression
Not great for text, simple graphics, or illustrations
Lossless only. Poor compression for photographic images.Limited to 8-bit. Lossy forces 4:2:0 tv-range YCbCr.Security issues; can contain executable code (javascript) and non-embedded (URI) resources, so essentially requires a browser for proper viewing. Not intended for print.Limited support yetLimited to 256 colors (8-bit per pixel). Only binary transparency.Not yet enabled by most browsersProcessor intensiveLarge file sizeLarge file sizeLarge file size
Not great for web graphics
Minor software compatibility issues
May lose control of advanced vector editing featuresLimited support yet
Fonts may be represented incorrectly when moved cross-platform
QuickTime must be installed to view some PICT files correctly
Large file format
PC compatible only and older PCX versions only support 256 colours.
Longer browser loading times
Non-editable content
Not great for complex graphics printing
Not really useful as a graphic image
Lacks a superior compression schemeNot good for exporting or pasting bar graphs with fill patterns to PowerPoint
Support is limited
Image vectorielleNonNonNonOuiNonNon- Can add splines to a raster imageNonNonNonNonOuiNonOuiNonOui- Can have text layers and other vector elementsNonOui
Image matricielle (Raster)OuiOuiOuiOui Can have embedded JPEG/PNGOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiNonOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiNonOui
Format sans perteNonOuiOui Lossless and lossyOuiOui Lossless and lossyOuiOui Lossless and lossyOui Lossless and lossyOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Lossless and lossyOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui
Support animationNon- Animated PNG is an extension to the PNG format which is compatible with the Gecko and WebKit layout engines and many image editing suites. Users of software incompatible with APNG see the first frame as a still.OuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui ISO/IEC 15444-2NonNonNonNonOuiNonNonNonNonOui
Support de la transparenceNonOuiOuiOuiOui- Only all-or-nothing, no semi-transparencyOuiOuiOuiNonOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiNonOuiOuiOui
Support des couchesNonNonNonOuiNonNonOuiNonNonNon-OuiNonOuiNonNonOuiNonNon
Profondeur de couleur max. (bit depth)8-bit16-bit8-bit8-bit12-bit8-bit (but only 256 different colors)24-bit integer
32-bit float
38-bit8-bitTypically 14-bit32-bit8-bit (HEIC)
up to 16-bit (HEIX)
8-bit8-bit16-bit integer
32-bit float
Supporte CMYK (pour l'imprimerie)OuiNonNonOuiNonNonOuiOuiNonNonOuiOuiNonNonOuiOuiNonNon
Nombre de canaux max.4 (RGB or CMYK)4 (RGBA)4 (RGBA)4 (RGBA)5 (RGBA+depth)1 (palette data)4099 (RGB/CMY + up to 4096 extra channels)163844 (RGBA)Typically Bayer data (RGBG)6553544564
Utilisations communesPhotography
Photographic images electronically and on the web
Printing photographs
Simple web graphics like logos
Illustrations, or raster text rendering
Images on the webScalable graphicsAnimation
Simple web graphics
JPEG replacement, HD imagingImage editingHDR photography, ArchivingImages from scanner
HD imaging
Working with photographs without image quality loss
Sending vector graphics to print
Working with vector/raster graphics across platforms/graphic design programs
Apple iPhone photosDesktop publishing
Imaging applications using QuickDraw calls
with Paintbrush software
Mainly in the MS-DOS world. It is mainly an exchange and storage format
Fixed layout flat documentsImage editingStorage and interchange of deep-pixel images, paint, and image manipulation programs.used in Microsoft Clip Organizer for illustrations
To store line-art, illustrations and content created in drawing or presentation applications.
Navigateurs supportés (sans plugin)
Google ChromeOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Chrome 85Oui- Disabled by defaultNonNonNonNonNon- AVIFNonNonOuiNonNonNon
Microsoft EdgeOuiOuiOuiOuiNonOui- Disabled by defaultNonNonNonNonNonNonNonNonOuiNonNonNon
FirefoxOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Firefox 92Oui- Disabled by defaultNonNonNonNonNonNonNonNonOuiNonNonNon
OperaOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Opera 71Oui- Disabled by defaultNonNonNonNonNonNonNonNonOuiNonNonNon
Extensions.jpg .jpeg .jpe .jif .jfif .jfiStill: .png; Animated: .png, .apng.webp.svg .svgz.avif .avifs.gif.jxl.jp2 .j2c .j2k .jpx .jpf .j2c .j2k.bmp .dib.crw .cr2 .raw .rw2 .nef .nrw .orf ....tiff .tif.eps .epsi .epsf.heif .heifs .heic.pct .pict .pic.pcx.pdf.psd .pdd.tga.wmf .emf .wmz .emz
NomJoint Photographic Experts GroupPortable Network GraphicsWebPScalable Vector GraphicsAV1 Image File Format (AVIF)Graphics Interchange FormatJPEG XLJoint Photographic Experts Group 2000Windows BitmapRAW Image fileTagged Image File FormatEncapsulated PostScriptHigh Efficiency Image File FormatMacintosh PicturePicture Exchange, aka, PC PaintbrushPortable Document Format (PDF)Photoshop DocumentTrueVision TARGAWindows Metafile