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History of p3chat

Last update 2020-05-18 19:36:53
Creation date 2013-04-16 14:27:03
  • Alexis on 2020-05-18 19:36:53
    P3chat était un livechat facile à utiliser compatible avec Skype et Google Talk et utilisant plus de 20 langues.

    Pour trouver un remplaçant vous pouvez consulter le comparatif suivant:

    P3chat était spécialisé dans la conversion de visiteurs en clients et est un excellent outil qui permet a tout commercial de devenir un ninja de vente.

    Le grand avantage est que vous pouvez utiliser un seul code widget sur plusieurs websites sans restriction.

  • Alexis on 2020-05-18 19:35:21
    Sito web
  • Alexis on 2020-05-18 19:34:52

    P3chat was an easy to use live chat solution supporting Skype and Google Talk and having 20+ language support.

    To find a replacement you can have a look at this comparison:
    P3chat was specialized on converting visitors into customers and is a great tool for every sales person to become a sales ninja.

    The great advantage is that you can use single widget code on multiple websites without restriction.

  • Pavel Konon on 2013-11-04 22:07:12
    Predefined responses
  • Pavel Konon on 2013-08-27 13:26:32
    Multiple operators
    Custom extensions
    yes Javascript API, Integration with Zendesk, Happyfox, ..
  • Vanina on 2013-07-26 22:46:59
    Pricing plans
    • Starter - $4.4/mo (for individual users)
    • Lite - $5.59/mo (for small businesses)
    • Advanced - $11.19/mo

    P3chat is an easy to use live chat solution supporting Skype and Google Talk and having 20+ language support.

    P3chat is specialized on converting visitors into customers and is a great tool for every sales person to become a sales ninja.

    The great advantage is that you can use single widget code on multiple websites without restriction.

  • Pavel Konon on 2013-07-01 11:31:29
    Native mobile application
    yes (any Skype, Google Talk or XMPP client)
  • Pavel Konon on 2013-06-28 14:50:28
    P3chat is an easy to use live chat solution supporting Skype and Google Talk and having 20+ language support.

    P3chat is specialized on converting visitors into customers and is a great tool for every sales person to become a sales ninja.

    The great advantage is that you can use single widget code on multiple websites without restriction.
  • Pavel Zhytko on 2013-06-19 14:35:01
    Multiple operators
    yes Via Departments
    Chat statistics
    yes Message History, rules performance.
  • Pavel Zhytko on 2013-06-19 14:33:00
    Web-based Application
    yes Rich Web Client
    Native mobile application
    no (any Skype, Google Talk or XMPP client)
    Works for customers on mobile devices?
    yes Any browser for Rich Web Client or native app (Skype, Google Talk or XMPP)
    Visual customization
    Visitor details
    yes Via Rich Web Client: view all visitors real time with geo, IP, OS/browser, stats information
    International support
    yes >20 languages
    Clickpath Tracker
    Transfer to another operator
    yes !r command in IM apps, one-click in RWC.
    Custom extensions
    yes Javascript API, Integration with Happyfox, ..
    Visitor Monitoring
    yes Via Rich Web Client
    yes Widget API
  • Pavel Zhytko on 2013-06-19 14:21:19
    P3chat est un life chat facile à utiliser compatible avec Skype et Google Talk et utilisant plus de 20 langues.

    P3chat est spécialisé dans la conversion de visiteurs en clients et est un excellent outil qui permet a tout commercial de devenir un ninja de vente.

    Le grand avantage est que vous pouvez utiliser un seul code widget sur plusieurs websites sans restriction.
  • Pavel Zhytko on 2013-06-19 14:20:06
    P3chat is an easy to use live chat solution supporting Skype and Google Talk and having 20+ language support.

    P3chat id specialized on converting visitors into customers and is a great tool for every sales person to become a sales ninja.

    The great advantage is that you can use single widget code on multiple websites without restriction.
  • Pavel Zhytko on 2013-06-19 14:19:14
    P3chat est un life chat facile à utiliser compatible avec Skype et Google Talk et utilisant plus de 20 langues.
    P3chat est spécialisé dans la conversion de visiteurs en clients et est un excellent outil qui permet a tout commercial de devenir un ninja de vente.
    Le grand avantage est que vous pouvez utiliser un seul code widget sur plusieurs websites sans restriction.
  • Pavel Konon on 2013-06-17 23:59:45
    Pricing plans
    Low prices because our profit is only 9%
    • Starter - $4.4/mo (for individual users)
    • Lite - $5.59/mo (for small businesses)
    • Advanced - $11.19/mo
  • Pavel Konon on 2013-06-14 12:09:01
    P3chat is an easy to use live chat solution supporting Skype and GTalk and having 20+ language support.

    P3chat id specialized on converting visitors into customers and is a great tool for every sales person to become a sales ninja.

    The great advantage is that you can use single widget code on multiple websites without restriction.
  • Pavel Konon on 2013-06-13 16:54:14
  • Pavel Konon on 2013-06-13 16:52:15
  • Pavel Zhytko on 2013-06-13 16:42:33
  • Pavel Konon on 2013-06-07 06:22:31
    Web-based Application
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