Rubedo est une solution open-source de gestion multi-sites web
construite sur un socle Big Data. Sa particularité est de proposer
une solution intégrée et évolutive qui permet d’envisager une
stratégie web pérenne. Rubedo apporte à ses utilisateurs la
souplesse et les fondations permettant de définir et bâtir
progressivement des stratégies web à 360° (sites web et mobiles,
applications métiers, extranet clients, e-commerce…). Les
entreprises utilisent l’agilité de Rubedo pour leurs besoins de
création de sites web et d’applications métier, diffusion
multi-canal, gestion de grandes quantités de données ou de données
hétérogènes provenant de sources disparates.
Rubedo is an open-source content management solution, based on a
Big Data (NoSQL) platform, to create multi-websites and commerce
website. Thanks to this fully integrated and scalable solution, you
can consider a long-term durable web strategy. Rubedo gives
flexibility to users and provides them with strong foundations to
build a comprehensive web strategy (websites, mobile websites,
business applications, extranet, commerce, …) Rubedo’s performance
and agility have been approved by many customers all around the
world, SMEs to major accounts, for different types of projects :
multi-websites, extranets, commerce, business applications.
Rubedo is an open-source content management solution, based on a
Big Data (NoSQL) platform, to create multi-websites and commerce
website. Thanks to this fully integrated and scalable solution, you
can consider a long-term durable web strategy. Rubedo gives
flexibility to users and provides them with strong foundations to
build a comprehensive web strategy (websites, mobile websites,
business applications, extranet, commerce, …) Rubedo’s performance
and agility have been approved by many customers all around the
world, SMEs to major accounts, for different types of projects :
multi-websites, extranets, commerce, business applications.
Rubedo is an open-source content management solution, based on a
Big Data (NoSQL) platform, to create multi-websites. Thanks to this
fully integrated and scalable solution, you can consider a
long-term durable web strategy. Rubedo gives flexibility to users
and provides them with strong foundations to build a comprehensive
web strategy (websites, mobile websites, business applications,
extranet, commerce, …) Rubedo’s performance and agility have been
approved by many customers all around the world, SMEs to major
accounts, for different types of projects : multi-websites,
extranets, commerce, business applications.
Rubedo’s performance and agility have been approved by many
customers all around the world, SMEs to major accounts for
different types of projects : multi-websites, extranets, commerce,
business applications. Rubedo transforms companies and users
digital experience by providing solutions to today’s performance,
multi-sites and mobility challenges of the Internet. Companies can
take benefit from Rubedo’s agility for their needs of websites,
business applications, multi-channel broadcast, management of
significant volume of data, management of heterogeneous data from
different sources.
Rubedo’s performance and agility have been approved by many
customers all around the world, SMEs to major accounts (Groupe
Derichebourg, FPS Towers, Mille Pépites, Easyspeedy, Adionics,
Groupe Zimmer…), for different types of projects : multi-websites,
extranets, commerce, business applications. Rubedo transforms
companies and users digital experience by providing solutions to
today’s performance, multi-sites and mobility challenges of the
Internet. Companies can take benefit from Rubedo’s agility for
their needs of websites, business applications, multi-channel
broadcast, management of significant volume of data, management of
heterogeneous data from different sources. Rubedo is a fully
integrated and scalable solution, and has already be adopted for
different types of projects : - Business application to manage
waste collection in communities for Derichebourg - Corporate &
commerce website for Zimmer - Base for developing a social network
and administrative procedure management platform for Mille Pépites
- Localization based web-platform for FPS Towers