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ClickTale tracks every mouse move, click and scroll, creating playable videos of customers’ entire browsing sessions as well as powerful visual heatmaps and behavioral reports that perfectly complement traditional web analytics.
Website analysis tools : advanced web analytics
  • Free Plan : 400 pageviews recorded/month and 1 website
  • Bronze Plan (99€/mo) : 20,000 pageviews recorded/month and 3 websites
  • Silver Plan (290€/mo) : 80,000 pageviews recorded/month and 5 websites
  • Gold Plan (990€/mo) : 300,000 pageviews recorded/month and 10 websites
Change pricing plan at any time
Playback visitor sessions Watch movies of your visitor’s entire browsing sessions including every mouse move and every click.
Page analysis Discover your most problematic pages - Least Engaging, Most Errored, Most Clicked, Least Scrolled, and Slowest Loading.
Click heatmaps See exactly where visitors click, even when they click on non-clickable page elements.
Movement heatmaps
Link analytics Understand all visitor interactions with your links, fields and buttons.
Supports session-dependent pagesNo
Download recordings Download recordings to your local machine.
Live stream real-time monitor
Real-Time Monitor See where visitors are coming from and watch exactly what they are doing in Real-Time.
Multiple account users- Additional logins added upon request. Can have a primary login with additional logins that can full access or limited access to specific projects (e.g Agnecies needing logins for client use on specific projects)
Custom Email Alerts Create custom email alerts based on over a dozen criteria (i.e: get notified when visitors fail to complete a purchase or are referred by a specific marketing campaign)
Advanced Filtering Use more than a dozen criteria to find the most interesting visitors (i.e: find visitors who fail to complete a purchase, leave your landing page, or who are referred by a specific marketing campaign...)
Conversion Funnels Optimize your site's conversion rates by visualizing where customers convert and where they leave the conversion process.
Attention Heatmaps See where visitors pay attention as they scroll down your page.
Viewport maps Mouse move and mouse click heatmaps show where the user is looking and clicking, respectively
Scroll Reach Heatmaps See the fraction of visitors who abandon your page as they scroll down.
Form Analytics Optimize your online forms to maximize conversion and usability.
Event-based filtering Use our API to tag and discover website events and visitor behaviors.
Email Campaign Tracking Watch visitors that are referred to your website by links in your outgoing emails.
Priority Support On Premium Plans (Silver+) Get priority telephone support for any possible issue - from installation to ongoing use.
Solution hébergée
2013-03-06 07:14:55
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