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Compare Android 4.2.2 vs Android 4.2.1 vs Android 4.2 vs Android 4.1.2 vs Android 4.1.1 vs Android 4.1 vs Android 4.0.4 vs Android 4.0.3 vs Android 4.0.2 vs Android 4.0.1 vs Android 4.0

Version nameKey user features addedKey developer features addedRelease dateAPI LevelAndroid market shareAdobe Flash support
Android 4.2.2Jelly Bean
  • Allow toggling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth state in Quick Settings using long-press
  • Shows the percentage and estimated time remaining in the active download notifications
  • Wireless charging and low battery sounds changed
  • Gallery app updated for faster loading with new image transition
  • Performance enhancements and bug fixes (Bluetooth A2DP audio streaming fix...)
  • Secure USB debugging (allow debugging to authenticated computers only)
Feb. 11th 2013 171.5 % (4.2 - 4.2.2)- Unofficial Support: 3rd Party Browser (AOSP Browser, Dolphin Browser, Mozilla Firefox) + Manual Flash Installation:
Android 4.2.1Jelly Bean
  • Fix missing december bug in the People app
  • Add support for Bluetooth gamepads and joysticks HID devices
Nov. 27th 2012 171.5 % (4.2 - 4.2.2)No Adobe no longer support Flash beyond 4.0.x
Android 4.2Jelly Bean
  • Lockscreen widgets
  • 360 degree images with Photo Sphere
  • Gesture Typing, for faster typing
  • Wireless display with Miracast
  • Daydream to display information when idle or docked
  • Multi-user for tablets
  • vsync timing
  • Triple buffering
  • reduced touch latency
  • CPU input boost
  • Native RTL support - mirrors the display from manifest prop
  • External display support - Display Manager
  • Nested fragments
  • Renderscript Compute - run tasks on the GPU (supported devices)
  • Renderscript ScriptGroups, built-in intrinsics like blur,
  • FilterScript is a subset of Renderscript made for high performance image processing
Nov. 13th 2012 171.5 % (4.2 - 4.2.2)Yes 3rd Party Browser (AOSP Browser, Dolphin Browser, Mozilla Firefox) + Manual Flash Installation:
Android 4.1.2Jelly Bean
  • Enable Home screen rotation
  • Fix bugs and enhance performances
Oct. 9th 2012 161.2 % (4.1 - 4.1.2)No
Android 4.1.1Jelly Bean
  • Fix a bug on screen orientation
Jul. 23rd 2012 161.2 % (4.1 - 4.1.2)No
Android 4.1Jelly Bean
  • Google Now ( )
  • Voice Search
  • Speed enhancements
  • Camera app improvements
  • Accessibility: gesture mode, enable braille external keyboards...
  • app stack navigation to define a parent activity in manifest for deep navigation
  • MediaActionSound class to make sounds like when a camera takes a photo
  • NFC supports large payloads over bluetooth
  • WIFI/WIFI-Direct service discovery
  • Large, detailed, multi-action notifications
  • Input manager allows you to query input devices
Jul. 9th 2012 161.2 % (4.1 - 4.1.2)No Adobe no longer support Flash beyond 4.0.x
Android 4.0.4Ice Cream Sandwich
  • stability improvements
  • better camera performance
  • smoother screen rotation
Mar. 28th 2012 150.3 % (4.0.3 - 4.0.4)No ICS does not support flash in browser or chrome. Tested in Galaxy S
Android 4.0.3Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Social stream API in Contacts provider to show updates associated to your contacts
  • Video stabilization and QVGA video resolution API access
  • Accessibility API refinements for screen readers
  • Calendar provider updates
Dec. 16th 2011 150.3 % (4.0.3 - 4.0.4)
Android 4.0.2Ice Cream SandwichMinor fixesNov. 28th 2011 140 %Yes
Android 4.0.1Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Facial recognition (Face Unlock)
  • UI use Hardware acceleration
  • Better voice recognition (dictating/Voice typing)
  • Web browser, allows up to 16 tabs
  • Updated launcher (customizable)
  • Android Beam app to exchange data through NFC
Oct. 19th 2011 140 %Yes gajendra
Android 4.0Ice Cream Sandwich
  • New lock screen actions
  • Improved text input and spell-checking
  • Control over network data
  • Email app supports EAS v14
  • WI-FI direct
  • BlueTooth Health Device Profile
  • ADB Backups
  • Low-level streaming multimedia (Khronos OpenMAX AL
  • Grid Layout
  • Spell checking service
  • Address Space Layout Randomization
  • VPN client API
  • Remote Device camera enable/disable
  • ZSL exposure, continuous focus, and image zoom
  • Flags to help control system ui elements like system bar from apps
Oct. 18th 2011 140 %Yes
Compare Android 4.2.2 vs Android 4.2.1 vs Android 4.2 vs Android 4.1.2 vs Android 4.1.1 vs Android 4.1 vs Android 4.0.4 vs Android 4.0.3 vs Android 4.0.2 vs Android 4.0.1 vs Android 4.0
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Oct. 22nd 2021 4:41:38 PM
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User reviews and comments

  • Fred on Oct. 13th 2013 8:58:21 AM
    commented on Android 4.1.2

    Je ne sais pas si c'est le cas sur tous les smartphones, mais sur le Samsung Xcover 2 ou GT-S7710, cette version est une vrai galère au niveau de la mémoire. Impossible de transférer les applications sur la micro SD. Du coup, on est vite saturé en mémoire. Inadmissible pour un smartphone comme celui-là. Il serait bien d'avoir une solution pour corriger ce problème.

  • Thunder13 on Sep. 27th 2013 7:39:23 PM
    commented on Android 4.1.2

    Bonjour. Depuis que j'ai cette nouvelle version (4.1.2) j'ai un petit souci. Quand j’écris un sms et que j'ai un mot qui n'éxiste pas sur mon téléphone il est impossible d'ajouter ce nouveau mot dans le dictionnaire interne de mon galaxy note GT-N7000. Y'a t'il une solution car cela est très gênent. merci d'avance

  • brecklundin on Jun. 10th 2013 1:27:30 PM
    commented on Android 4.2.2

    Dolphin has not supported Flash since about the time of Android 4.0.1 or 4.0.2, Or have they added it back? The Android devs had pretty horrid Flash support anyway. Felt like they just decided to give up trying to get their code right (was it beyond their skill level? who knows...but it's not there far as my last look.)