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RankActive vs Serpstat


Compare Serpstat vs RankActive

Number of tariff plans88
Minimum price, $1929
Long-term subscription discountup to -50%up to -25%
Plan A
Price, $1929
Position TrackingOuiOui
Keywords for tracking (daily)200250
Number of projects105
Competitors' Domains to track105
Frequency of Trackingdailydaily
Depth of Tracking100100
User seats105
Link ExplorerOuiOui
Queries per day3000
Results per report1000
Site AuditOuiNon
Pages to audit (per month)10 0005 000
Search AnalyticsOuiNon
Access to APIOuiNon
Rows per Month by API00
Plan B
Price, $6969
Position TrackingOuiOui
Keywords for tracking (daily)7002 500
Number of projectsunlimited25
Competitors' Domains to trackunlimited10
Frequency of Trackingdailydaily
Depth of Tracking100100
User seats10010
Link ExplorerOuiOui
Queries per day4 0000
Results per report15 0000
Site AuditOuiOui
Pages to audit (per month)150 00020 000
Search AnalyticsOuiNon
Access to APIOuiNon
Rows per Month by API100 0000
Plan C
Price, $149149
Position TrackingOuiOui
Keywords for tracking (daily)2 00010 000
Number of projectsunlimited50
Competitors' Domains to trackunlimited20
Frequency of Trackingdailydaily
Depth of Tracking100100
User seats50020
Link ExplorerOuiOui
Queries per day6 0000
Results per report40 0000
Site AuditOuiOui
Pages to audit (per month)400 00050 000
Search AnalyticsOuiNon
Access to APIOuiNon
Rows per Month by API500 0000
Plan D
Price, $299292
Position TrackingOuiOui
Keywords for tracking (daily)5 00010 000
Number of projectsunlimited50
Competitors' Domains to trackunlimited20
Frequency of Trackingdailydaily
Depth of Tracking100100
User seats1 00020
Link ExplorerOuiOui
Queries per day8 0000
Results per report50 0000
Site AuditOuiOui
Pages to audit (per month)1 250 00050 000
Search AnalyticsOuiNon
Access to APIOuiNon
Rows per Month by API1 000 0000
Plan E
Price, $499390
Position TrackingOuiOui
Keywords for tracking (daily)7 50025 000
Number of projectsunlimited50
Competitors' Domains to trackunlimited20
Frequency of Trackingdailydaily
Depth of Tracking100100
User seatsunlimited20
Link ExplorerOuiOui
Queries per day12 0000
Results per report75 0000
Site AuditOuiOui
Pages to audit (per month)2 500 00050 000
Search AnalyticsOuiNon
Access to APIOuiNon
Rows per Month by API2 000 0000
Plan F
Price, $999561
Position TrackingOuiOui
Keywords for tracking (daily)15 00050 000
Number of projectsunlimited50
Competitors' Domains to trackunlimited20
Frequency of Trackingdailydaily
Depth of Tracking100100
User seatsunlimited20
Link ExplorerOuiNon
Queries per day25 0000
Results per report100 0000
Site AuditOuiNon
Pages to audit (per month)5 000 00050 000
Search AnalyticsOuiNon
Access to APIOuiNon
Rows per Month by API3 000 0000
Compare Serpstat vs RankActive
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25 nov. 2016 17:33:03
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