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DTC-Genomics, DNA test players


A list of the players in the industry of Direct-To-Consumer Genomics.

Help the community to fill this table and please make correction if needed.

Comments after correction will be appreciated.
Living DNAlivingdna.comJaJa$ 79 Ancestry test
$ 99 Wellbeing test
$ 149 Wellbeing + Ancestry test
23andMe23andme.comJaJa199 US$
Ancestryancestry.comNeinJaFrom $ 99
Family Tree DNAfamilytreedna.comNeinJa159-289 US$
African Ancestryafricanancestry.comNeinJaFrom $ 299
DNA Diagnostics Centerdnacenter.comNeinJaFrom $ 69
Complete Genomicscompletegenomics.comJaJa~5,000-7000/full genome US$Full Genome (variant list only)
HomeDNAhomedna.comJa89 US$CODIS markers (13) for artistic creation
Myriad Women’s Healthmyriadwomenshealth.comJaNein
DNA11dna11.comJaNein199-1179 US$DNA RFLP for artistic creation
eviCore healthcareevicore.comJaNein
DNA Solutionsdnanow.comNeinJa19.9-489 US$
DNA Visiondnavision.comJaNeinSequencing As a Service (SAS)
Sequencingsequencing.comJaJaStarting at 350/panel US$>700 including Mitochondrial disease/traits, Full Genome Panel; Also provides Full Genome Analysis of Full Genome Sequencing Data
GeneBasegenebase.comJaJaFrom $119
Gene Partnergenepartner.comJaNein99 US$
Orig3norig3n.comJaNein399 US$
OmeCareomecare.comJaNein299 US$
Progenikaprogenika.comJaNeinHypercholesterolemia tests
Your DNA Songyourdnasong.comJaNein792 US$DNA Fingerprint for music creation
Direct-To-Consumer DTC-Genomics Players comparison table.
Image from
Health & Beauty
2021-10-01 09:52:23
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User reviews and comments

  • Brandon Colby on 2012-04-05 06:15:47
    rated Sequencing: Ratings 5/5
  • finman on 2012-02-02 22:02:07
    rated GeneBase: Ratings 3/5
  • Portable Genomics on 2011-03-24 21:21:30

    @ Alice, this table is mainly concerning companies providing tests. We may consider in a next future a similar table for software tools providers, including DIY Genomics, DNA Guide and Portable Genomics.

  • Seralo on 2011-02-25 20:27:24

    If DNA Guide is appropriate for this comparison please include it in the table using the "+" in the top left corner.

  • DNA on 2010-11-22 20:33:36
    rated Sequencing: Ratings 5/5
  • Portable Genomics on 2010-11-18 23:46:31
    rated 23andMe: Ratings 5/5

    excellent service