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Kids Creative Technology Kit


Computer Kits for kids to build computer and learn about electronics and coding.

Some of these kits are based on the Raspberry PI mini computer. To find out more on the Raspberry PI you can consult the dedicated comparison:

BBC Micro:bitsPiperKanoLittlebitsLightup.ioMakey MakeyMicroduinoBoolean BoxTuring Tumble
Include Raspberry PINeinJaJaNeinNeinNeinNeinJaNein
BeschreibungMicrocontroller with several sensors included. Can be used alone, or can communicate with other Micro:bits or with a smartphone via Bluetooth. Easy coding with blocks or more advanced programming with Javascript, Python, Arduino...Build a computer and then learn about electronics with Raspberry Pi edition of Minecraft.Creative coding kit: Make a computer, learn to code...littleBits makes a platform of easy-to-use electronic building blocks empowering everyone to create inventions, large and small.LightUp is an award-winning toy that teaches kids how the technology we use everyday works. Build circuits, learn to code, and have fun with your creations!Easy-to-use invention kits. An Invention Kit for EveryonePerfect for beginners and educators looking to learn or teach electronics and programming. mCookie modules and sensors are stackable on LEGO® bricks giving you endless design possibilities.Boolean Box, by Boolean Girl Tech, is a complete, build it yourself DIY computer kit for kids, with a particular emphasis on connecting girls with computer science and engineering. Kid-friendly and easy to use, with the Boolean Box kit we engage the child, inspire them to create, find creative solutions and develop critical thinking skills.Mechanical kit to discover how computer works using marbles, gears, bits...
Age conseillé9+8+
Preis$ 15$ 290$ 150 - $250$ 100 - $300$ 25$ 35$ 90 - $400$ 169$ 69.95
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Compare Piper vs Kano vs vs vs Makey Makey vs Microduino
2021-09-21 09:28:33
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