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History of Applications Ipad pour les Bibliothèques

Last update 2015-05-05 16:46:56
Creation date 2015-01-24 15:25:06

Items history

Click on the last update date to view the item history

Musée du Louvre2015-05-05 16:46:56
PermisEcole 20152015-04-06 16:39:22
Comment dessiner2015-03-27 14:55:18
20 Minutes2015-03-27 14:35:35
Kirikou et les enfants extra-ordinaires2015-03-27 14:20:22
Medelia2015-03-17 10:38:00
Granny Smith2015-03-12 15:30:17
Hamlet2015-03-12 15:30:17
Plants vs Zombies2015-03-12 15:27:20
1010 !2015-03-12 15:27:20
iTooch2015-03-12 15:27:20
Quizup2015-03-12 15:27:20
94%2015-03-12 15:27:20