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History of Les outils d'évaluation auto-évaluation entrainement

Last update 2022-11-04 23:38:34
Creation date 2017-01-31 11:42:13

Items history

Click on the last update date to view the item history

Kahoot!2023-04-21 11:23:31
Socrative2023-04-21 11:15:44
Google Forms2021-03-26 09:22:45
Plickers2021-03-26 09:20:47
Quidoo2018-01-01 10:02:50
Microsoft Forms2017-08-31 15:21:56
Framaforms2017-04-07 15:56:28
Quizlet2017-03-24 22:29:29
LearningApps2017-03-07 17:00:59
Voki2017-02-15 20:24:01
Formulaire ENT2017-02-15 15:09:35
EvalQCM2017-02-15 14:40:42