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History of Nederlandse bijbels voor Android

Last update 2013-06-01 02:57:26
Creation date 2013-05-31 23:19:05

Items history

Click on the last update date to view the item history

MySword2013-06-04 10:21:48
Logos Bible Software2013-06-04 10:21:48
Quick Bilble2013-06-04 10:21:48
Bible Gateway2013-06-01 02:55:33
And Bible2013-06-01 02:49:17
Olive Tree Bible+2013-06-01 02:48:21
LiveBible2013-06-01 02:45:03
Bible.is2013-06-01 02:33:08
Youversion2013-06-01 02:24:19
Open Bibles2013-06-01 02:24:19