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History of State Authorization Physical Presence Summary

Last update 2012-02-03 00:35:13
Creation date 2012-02-02 20:29:08

Items history

Click on the last update date to view the item history

Distance Education Regulated, Only Those with a Physical Presence2012-02-03 00:35:13
Distance Education Regulated, All Without Regard to Physical Presence2012-02-03 00:35:13
Comments2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: 3rd Party Agreements/Contract: Proctored exams with an entity in the state chosen by the student but approved by the institution2012-02-03 00:23:21
Physical Presence Standard and Applicable Statute/Regulation2012-02-03 00:23:21
Type of Institution Regulated by the Agency: Public Degree Granting Inst.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Type of Institution Regulated by the Agency: Private Degree Granting Inst.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Type of Institution Regulated by the Agency: Non-Degree Granting/Occupational Schools2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Employing FT faculty in the state2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Employing full-time faculty in the state to provide instruction via distance education programs to students in the state2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Presence of Staff/in state employees (other than recruiters) an express trigger per located statutory language.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: 3rd Party Agreements/Contract: Employing mentors, tutors, or preceptors in the state who are residents of the state on an individual basis.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger:3rd Party Agreements/Contract: Having an agreement between the institution and in-state institutions/entities to provide students services.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Other: Statutory/Regulatory Language Located Expressly References Tax Forms: Providing W-2/1099 located in the state as a trigger.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Classroom Activities: Hosting in state short term seminars or conferences where Students Meet Face to Face in the state2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Classroom Activities: Allowing a student to complete an internship, clinicals, etc. organized by the institution or found by the student.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Recruiting Activities: on-the-ground recruiting of students by the inst.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Recruiting Activities: Agent recruiting students on the state on an occasional basis (i.e. at job fairs)2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Advertising: Advertising in national media sources that can be accessed by residents of the state2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Advertising: Advertising in local media sources that are largely viewed by residents of the state?2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Institutional Property In State: Servers or other equipment located in state2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: Institutional Property in State: Statutory/Regulatory Language located Expressly References Some physical location.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: In-State Correspondence: Statutory/Regulatory Language Located Expressly References mailing address as a trigger.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Trigger: In-State Correspondence: Statutory/Regulatory Language Located Expressly References telephone number as a trigger.2012-02-03 00:23:21
Agency2012-02-03 00:23:21