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M-commerce vs E-commerce
ConnectivityDue to the larger number of mobile users, we have large connective networks available. Mobile connections are easier than compared to large big systems.
MobilityM-commerce implies the use of mobile devices, therefore people can do their business transactions anywhere. Less limited, because of their small weight & size they are easy to carry.
ReachabilityDue to easy portability, mobile commerce reach is wider than e-commerce.
Location TrackingM-commerce, on the other hand, using the features like GPS, WiFi and so on can track your exact location.
SecurityMobile commerce is more secure than e-commerce because of authentication details available on mobile devices.
EaseOn the other hand with a few couples clicks purchases through mobile commerce is quick.
UsageM-commerce is more simple in use because all of its functions are simplified.
ConvenienceM-commerce is more convenient as you can do your transactions at any time and place.
CostCreation of mobile apps and the use of cellular data is a bit costly. But now even that issue is resolved.
Platform UsedWeb stores, web apps, mobile version, hybrid apps, native app.
CustomizationMobile devices, on the other hand, are owned by individuals. It is easy to customize apps as per the users business needs.
2019-03-19 10:25:27
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