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licenseGPLv3 (GPLv2 for v2 branch)
Input Sources
UNIX domain socketJa
RFC 3195/BEEPJa (via im3195)
kernel logJa
mark message generator as an optional inputJa
Standard output (stdout) of an application
Named pipe
Handle multi-line messages like Apache Tomcat or Oracle log messages
Windows Event LogJa a Windows event logging software such as EventReporter orMonitorWare Agent (both commercial software, both fund rsyslogdevelopment)
Network (Protocol) Support
support for (plain) tcp based syslogJa
support for GSS-APIJa
ability to limit the allowed network senders (syslog ACLs)Ja
support for syslog-transport-tls based framing on syslog/tcp connectionsJa
udp syslogJa
syslog over RELPJa
truly reliable message delivery (Why is plain tcp syslog not reliable?)Ja
on the wire (zlib) message compressionJa
support for receiving messages via reliable RFC 3195 deliveryJa
support for TLS/SSL-protected syslogJa (since 3.19.0)via stunnel
support for IETF's new syslog-protocol draftJa
support for IETF's new syslog-transport-tls draftJa (since 3.19.0 - world's first implementation)
support for IPv6Ja
native ability to send SNMP trapsJa
ability to preserve the original hostname in NAT environments and relay chainsJa
Message Filtering
Filtering for syslog facility and priorityJa
Filtering for hostnameJa
Filtering for applicationJa
Filtering for message contentsJa
Filtering for sending IP addressJa
ability to filter on any other message field not mentioned above (including substrings and the like)Ja
support for complex filters, using full boolean algebra with and/or/not operators and parenthesisJa
Support for reusable filters: specify a filter once and use it in multiple selector lines no
support for arbritrary complex arithmetic and string expressions inside filtersJa
ability to use regular expressions in filtersJa
support for discarding messages based on filtersJa
ability to filter out messages based on sequence of appearingJa (starting with 3.21.3)
powerful BSD-style hostname and program name blocks for easy multi-host supportJa
Supported Database Outputs
MySQLJa (native ommysql, omlibdbi)
PostgreSQLJa (native ompgsql, omlibdbi)
OracleJa (omlibdbi)
SQLiteJa (omlibdbi)
Microsoft SQL (Open TDS)Ja (omlibdbi)
Sybase (Open TDS)Ja (omlibdbi)
Firebird/InterbaseJa (omlibdbi)
IngresJa (omlibdbi)
mSQLJa (omlibdbi)
Enterprise Features
support for on-demand on-disk spooling of messagesJa
ability to limit disk space used by spool filesJa
each action can use its own, independant set of spool filesJa
different sets of spool files can be placed on different diskJa
ability to process spooled messages only during a configured timeframe (e.g. only during off-peak hours, during peak hours they are enqueued only)Ja (can independently be configured for the main queue and each action queue)
ability to configure backup syslog/database serversJa
Professional SupportJa
Config File
config file formatcompatible to legacy syslogd but ugly
ability to include config file from within other config filesJa
ability to include all config files existing in a specific directoryJa
Functionality split in separately loadable modulesJa
Support for third-party input pluginsJa
Support for third-party output pluginsJa
Other Features
ability to generate file names and directories (log targets) dynamicallyJa
control of log output format, including ability to present channel and priority as visible log dataJa
native ability to send mail messagesJa (ommail, introduced in 3.17.0)
good timestamp format control; at a minimum, ISO 8601/RFC 3339 second-resolution UTC zoneJa
ability to reformat message contents and work with substringsJa
support for log files larger than 2gbJa
support for log file size limitation and automatic rollover command executionJa
support for running multiple syslogd instances on a single machineJa
ability to execute shell scripts on received messagesJa
ability to pipe messages to a continously running program
massively multi-threaded for tomorrow's multi-core machinesJa
ability to control repeated line reduction ("last message repeated n times") on a per selector-line basisJa
supports multiple actions per selector/filter conditionJa
web interfacephpLogCon [also works with php-syslog-ng]
using text files as input sourceJa
rate-limiting output actionsJa
discard low-priority messages under system stressJa
flow control (slow down message reception when system is busy)Ja (advanced, multiple ways to slow down inputs depending on individual input capabilities, based on watermarks)
rewriting messagesJa
output data into various formatsJa
ability to control "message repeated n times" generationJa
supported platforms Linux, BSD, anecdotical seen on Solaris; compilation and basic testing done on HP UX
DNS cacheJa
Windows Event Log containers / log files (via separate agent application)
Latest version7.2.6 stable (March 2013)
IT development
2013-03-20 17:56:58
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