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Store Manager for Magento Import

Magento Import Comparison
Store Manager for Magento Import
5.0/5 1 rating
Price for single importIf you need to perform Magento fast product import for one time only, you can use Free trial version and import with no limitations and without any fee
Price for reimportFree
Price for regular import$499 - price of Store Manager for Magento Primary License + Additional License
Price for automated importAutomated Product Import price $119
Installation & configurationInitial installation is as simple as any other desktop application installation. Import configuration is quite flexible, user friendly and offers you a number of hints
SupportFree. Assistance is offered on every step of the way free of charge
DocumentationDocumentation is offered free of charge. There’s a number of useful articles with any specific solutions.
Server Resources UsageMinimum - import can be done locally with your local PC resources
File requirementsNo requirements at all. All columns can be merged, even if you have description in 2 files or want to upload images from external URLs from your supplier, price adjustments, etc... It is especially important in case you need to make this operation regularly
Functionality& FlexibilityThe tool has a lot of built-in features. It is very flexible and allows to do modifications on fly - e.g. merge 2 columns, replace categories, set visibility, sort order, etc.
MultiStore supportAvailable. All stores can be updated simultaneously as well as separate stores import is available
Product types supportAll types
Images supportSupport of multiple images for image gallery. Also no matter where images are stored - locally or at your supplier's site or on same server as shopping cart, they will be imported correctly
Import of attributes and Attribute setsAttributes and attribute sets can be exported and imported
Custom Options importCustom Options can be easily exported and imported for products. Just SKU and custom options values are required
Do it for me option - “I want to save my time. Import it for me”Available. Import configuration can be set for additional fee. Once the service is provided you can use it further with same file with no additional payments
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    Magento Import Comparison
2016-04-29 14:49:04
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