yes Use the table component to show text, images, links, and other elements inside a structured set of data made up of rows and columns of table cells (Checkboxes, search input, table foot, table caption, colors..)
yes Get started with the responsive timeline component to show data in a chronological order with support for multiple styles, sizes, and variants (vertical timeline, horizontal timeline, activity log...)
yes The skeleton component can be used as an alternative loading indicator to the spinner by mimicking the content that will be loaded such as text, images, or video
yes The speed dial component can be used as a quick way to show a list of action buttons to a user when hovering or clicking on the main trigger element.
yes Use these responsive tabs components to create a secondary navigational hierarchy for your website or toggle content inside a container (Tabs with underline, with icons...)
yes Use the progress bar component to show the completion rate of a data indicator or use it as a loader element (with label inside, outside...colors...)
yes Use the sidebar component to show a list of menu items and multi-level dropdown items on either side of the page to navigate on your website (with content separator, add a CTA button, show logo...)
yes The navbar component can be used to show a list of navigation links positioned on the top side of your page based on multiple layouts, sizes, and dropdowns (Navbar with search, CTA button...Sticky navbar)
yes Use the popover component to show detailed information inside a pop-up box relative to the element that is being clicked or hovered based on multiple styles (Image popover, progress popover...)
yes Use the mega menu component as a full-width dropdown inside the navbar to show a list of menu items based on multiple sizes, variants, and styles. (with icons, images...)
yes Use the footer section at the bottom of every page to show valuable information to your users, such as sitemap links, a copyright notice, and a logo
yes The Drawer component can be used as a hidden off-canvas sidebar for navigation and to show other information based on multiple styles and placements
Flowbite is an open-source library of over 400+ web components and
interactive elements built with the utility classes from Tailwind
CSS. Flowbite-Svelte is the official Flowbite library for Svelte.
All interactivities are handled by Svelte.
yes Use the button component inside forms, as links, social login, payment options with support for multiple styles, colors, sizes, gradients, and shadows