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History of Emydex

Last update 2019-02-21 15:49:04
Creation date 2018-11-02 10:58:03
  • bfr on 2019-02-21 15:49:04
    Features interesting for FCL
    • Backend database structure
  • bfr on 2019-02-21 13:59:41
    Meaning of tracing
    • 100% Traceability reporting from factory door to door
  • bfr on 2019-02-21 13:58:49
    Data collection / exchange interfaces / assurance of quality
    • generated ITN numbers (Internal Traceability Numbers)
    • barcoded labels and handheld scanning terminals
    • Backward and forward traceability along the supply chain
    • Traceability in the intermediary steps of the supply chain (e.g. storage, logistic)
    • Backend database structure containing 100s of tables
  • bfr on 2019-02-21 13:57:56
    Data visualizations / Reporting
    • backwards, forwards and mass balance traceability reporting from factory door to door
    • graphical representation of real-time traceability reporting
    • Personalization of reports
    Data collection / exchange interfaces / assurance of quality
    • generated ITN numbers (Internal Traceability Numbers)
    • barcoded labels and handheld scanning terminals
    • Backward and forward traceability along the supply chain
    • Traceability in the intermediary steps of the supply chain (e.g. storage, logistic)
    • Data structure: backend database structure containing 100s of tables
  • bfr on 2019-02-21 12:56:43
    Client list:
  • bfr on 2019-02-21 12:54:13
    Purpose of the software
    • Food processing software
    Supply chain(s)
    • Beef
    • Lamb
    • Pork
    • Poultry
    • Fish & Seafood
    • Dairy
    • Fresh Produce
    • Further Processing
    • Cold Storage
    Target Group
    • large-scale food processors
  • bfr on 2019-02-21 11:58:17
    Other Ressources (e.g. video)
    Image video:
    explanatory videos
  • bfr on 2019-02-18 15:46:14
    Evaluation Source

    • EFSA report
  • bfr on 2018-11-19 13:47:12
    Step back and forward (e.g. EU 178/2002, FSMA etc.)
    yes EU 178/2002
  • bfr on 2018-11-05 16:56:21
    Data collection / exchange interfaces / assurance of quality
    • Support of backward and forward traceability:
      Backwards, Forwards and mass balance traceability reporting from factory door to door by way of track and tracing Emydex generated ITN numbers (Internal Traceability Numbers) throughout the production processes using barcoded labels and handheld scanning terminals
    • Backward and forward traceability is conducted all along the supply chain (from raw material to finish product)
    • Traceability is envisaged also in the intermediary steps of the food and feed supply chain (e.g. storage, logistic)
    • Personalization of reports possible, e.g. Recipe Production Plan Final Blend, Label configuration
    • Data structure: backend database structure containing 100s of tables
    • communication between stakeholders of the entire food and feed supply chain: between farmers and factories, and factories and cold stores or factories and supermarkets via webforms or web-services
  • bfr on 2018-11-02 15:14:30
    Data visualizations / Reporting
    graphical representation of real-time traceability reporting
  • bfr on 2018-11-02 15:11:25
    Data collection / exchange interfaces / assurance of quality
    • Support of backward and forward traceability:
      Backwards, Forwards and mass balance traceability reporting from factory door to door by way of track and tracing Emydex generated ITN numbers (Internal Traceability Numbers) throughout the production processes using barcoded labels and handheld scanning terminals
    • Backward and forward traceability is conducted all along the supply chain (from raw material to finish product)
    • Traceability is envisaged also in the intermediary steps of the food and feed supply chain (e.g. storage, logistic)
    • Personalization of reports possible, e.g. Recipe Production Plan Final Blend, Label configuration
    • communication between stakeholders of the entire food and feed supply chain: between farmers and factories, and factories and cold stores or factories and supermarkets via webforms or web-services
    • Data structure: backend database structure containing 100s of tables
    Desktop / Installed
    yes win .Net, SQL Server
  • bfr on 2018-11-02 13:04:29
    Target Group
    large-scale food processors
    no info
    Desktop / Installed
    yes deduced from screenshots
    Web / Cloud based
    Mobile App
  • bfr on 2018-11-02 11:19:46
    Target Group
    large-scale processors
  • bfr on 2018-11-02 11:14:01
    Client list:
    Purpose of the software
    Food processing software
    Meaning of tracing
    Emydex Traceability systems provide 100% Traceability reporting from factory door to door
  • bfr on 2018-11-02 11:05:35
    Open Source
    Other Ressources (e.g. video)
    Image video:

    explanatory videos
    Supply chain(s)
    Beef, Lamb, Pork, Poultry, Fish & Seafood, Dairy, Fresh Produce, Further Processing, Cold Storage
  • bfr on 2018-11-02 11:00:27
    Other Ressources (e.g. video)
    Image video:
    Non visible value updated
  • bfr on 2018-11-02 10:58:03
    Evaluation Source
    internal PwC Report

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