Enlace | Sitio web | Access type | Secure channel | Public visibility | Developer API | Plugin | Validity period | Email domains | Notas | Random e-mail address | Choose custom email address | Email address required | Use your own domain name | Message size limit | RSS channel to be informed when a new message arrives | store life messages received | Has SSL? |
10 Minute mail | 10minutemail.com | consult on the website | No | Sí Opera extension and "Bloody Vikings" firefox add-on | 10 min. (extensible) | prtnx.com | Create throwaway email addresses on the fly that last for ten minutes before they expire. | No | |||||||||
20MinuteMail | 20minutemail.com | website consultation and email forward | 20minutemail.com | No | |||||||||||||
33Mail | 33mail.com | forward to an actual email | Sí | No | Sí Bookmarklet, Chrome Extension | until disabled by a user | 33mail.com 33m.co use your own domain | Aliases are permanent unless you delete them. You can reply to emails sent through 33mail and your reply will be anonymized. | Sí | Sí | - for money | ||||||
34nm | 34nm.com | forward to an actual email | Sí SSL/SPDY/STARTTLS | No | Sí https://34nm.com/doc/api | Sí Bookmarklet, Chrome Extension | Stop receiving after 10 minute but the Email address can be use again | 34nm.com | - | Sí | Sí | No | 10 MB | No | No storage | Sí | |
AHEM - Ad Hoc Email | ahem.email | consult on the website | Sí SSL,HTTPS,TLS,STARTTLS | Sí | Sí https://www.ahem.email/help/api | No | 24 Hours | ahem.email, ahem-email.com, mail.ahem.email | AHEM is a free Ad-Hoc disposable temporary EMail service. It is responsive, fast and offers a RESTFul API for QA and Development teams. | Sí | Sí | No | - Not yet... | Sí | Will be added | Sí | |
Anonymbox | consult on the website | Sí HTTPS, SSL, TLS, STARTTLS | Sí Yes | Sí | 12 hours | No | No | 1 GB | Sí | ||||||||
AnonymousSpeech | anonymousspeech.com | ||||||||||||||||
Clipmail | clipmail.eu | consult on the website | Sí | No | Sí | No | |||||||||||
DeadAddress | deadaddress.com | Sí | No | ||||||||||||||
Dispostable | dispostable.com | consult on the website | No | Sí "Bloody Vikings" firefox add-on | 2 days | dispostable.com | Sí | Sí | No | ||||||||
EasyTrashMail | easytrashmail.com | No | 15 minutes - 1 month | Sí | Sí | ||||||||||||
email-fake.com | email-fake.com | more then 200 domain | No | 100 years | |||||||||||||
Email is valid | consult on the website | 15 minutes | emailisvalid.com | Seems to be dead | No | ||||||||||||
EmailOnDeck | emailondeck.com | consult on the website | Sí HTTPS, SSL, TLS, STARTTLS | No | No | No | Expires at end of day. | Server logs are wiped, mobile friendly, UTF8 friendly | Sí | No | No | No | No | Sí | |||
EmailSensei | emailsensei.com | consult on the website | Sí Firefox add-on | 24 hours | emailsensei.com | Possibility to create an image of your email address (almost impossible to be decoded by spammers...) in order to avoid to put your email address on any web page. | Sí | No | No | No | |||||||
FadingMail | Sí | matapad.com | Free temporary e-mail address to evaluate startups' service, born to be the answer to email fields. | No | |||||||||||||
Fake Mail Generator | fakemailgenerator.com | consult on the website | No | Sí | armyspy.com cuvox.de dayrep.com einrot.com fleckens.hu gustr.com jourrapide.com rhyta.com superrito.com teleworm.us | No | Sí | No | |||||||||
GetNada | getnada.com | consult on the website | No | No | No | Sí | 24 hours | 66 | 77 | No | Sí | Sí | Sí | No | No | ||
GishPuppy | gishpuppy.com | forward to an actual email | Sí | No | No | until disabled by a user | gishpuppy.com | ||||||||||
GuerrillaMail | guerrillamail.com | consult on the website | No | Sí Chrome extension | 1 h. (extensible) | guerrillamailblock.com | No | ||||||||||
Harakirimail | harakirimail.com | consult on the website | Sí SSL by default | Sí | - iOS app can be opened with url scheme | Sí Firefox, chrome, safari | 24H | harakirimail.com harakirimail.se | Blog: harakirimail.com More info: alternativeto.net/... | Sí | Sí | No | - You can add your own, if you contact site owner | 500 Kb | Sí | Sí | |
Haribu | haribu.net | consult on the website | No | haribu.net | Sí | No | No | No | |||||||||
Hot Temp Mail | hottempmail.com | consult on the website | Sí | No | No | No | 1 day then automatically deleted | hottempmail.cc bloggybro.cc edudigy.cc | Any person who wants to get hands on a temporary email address, regardless of the specific reason can think about using Hot Temp Mail. The temporary email address that you can get out of Hot Temp Mail will be able to act similar to a real email address. However, you will only be able to use it for a short time period, where you can get your requirement catered. | Sí | Sí | - | - | - | 1 day | Sí | |
IncognitoMail | incognitomail.com | 60 minutes | incognitomail.org | Sí | Sí | No | |||||||||||
Jetable.org | forward to an actual email | Sí | No | Sí Firefox | 1 h. / 1 day / 1 week / 1 month | jetable.org | Sí | ||||||||||
Lazy Inbox | lazyinbox.com | consult on the website | Sí | Sí | Sí Firefox | 24 Hours | lazyinbox.com | LazyInbox features a mobile version also | Sí | No | Sí | Sí | |||||
Mail For Spam | mailforspam.com | No | Sí "Bloody Vikings" firefox add-on | mailforspam.com mfsa.ru | No | ||||||||||||
Mail-Temporaire | mail-temporaire.fr | forward to an actual email | Sí | No | No | 15 min. - 1 month | email-jetable.fr mail-temporaire.fr mailtemporaire.fr mail-temporaire.com mailtemporaire.com easy-trash-mail.com easytrashmail.com email-jetable.biz.st padpub.co.cc jetable.co.cc email-jetable.co.tv mail-jetable.co.tv padpub.co.tv jetable.cz.cc email-jetable.cz.cc mail-jetable.cz.cc email-temporaire.cz.cc mail-temporaire.cz.cc | ||||||||||
Mail7.io | mail7.io | consult on the website | Sí | Sí | Sí | Sí | 1. Public Domain: mail7.io 2. Private Domain also available. | Sí | Sí | No Email not required when use the public inbox. | Sí | Sí | |||||
MailCatch.com | mailcatch.com | website consultation and email forward | No | Sí | Sí Firefox, Google Gadget and "Bloody Vikings" firefox add-on and "SpamControl" Firefox add-on | Website validity is undefined ("a few hours to a few days depending
on the traffic") For premium account ($2/month): email forwarding: 30 min - 1 month | mailcatch.com nanozone.net | No | |||||||||
MailExpire | forward to an actual email | No | No | 12h / 1 day / 1 week / 2 weeks / 1 month / 3 months | Sí | ||||||||||||
mailHazard.com | mailHazard.com | consult on the website | Sí Accessible en https / protection par mot de passe possible | Sí | No | Validité de 7 jours renouvelable | mailHz.me mailHazard.com mailHazard.us zebins.com zebins.eu amail4.me | ||||||||||
Mailimate | consult on the website | No | - optional sign-up for invisibility | infinite | mailimate.com 1stw.com tonggen.com | forwarding, group mailing | Sí | Sí | - optional sign-up for more functions. | Sí | |||||||
Mailinator | mailinator.com | consult on the website | No | Sí | Sí "Bloody Vikings" firefox add-on | infinite | binkmail.com suremail.info safetymail.info ... | No | Sí | ||||||||
Mailnesia | mailnesia.com | consult on the website | No | Sí | No | MailNesia.com vipmailonly.info | Sí | Sí The name of mailboxes (and aliases) cannot be longer than 30 characters, and can only contain letters [a-z], numbers [0-9], dash, dot, underscore and plus [-._+]. | No | Sí | 500 kb | Sí | |||||
Mailgw | mailgw.com | - | No | mailnull.com | defunct/dead | - | Sí | Sí | No | ||||||||
Mailsac | mailsac.com | forward to an actual email | Sí HTTPS, STARTTLS | Sí Public by default, can make messages and inboxes private | Sí Full featured JSON REST API, Webhooks, Web Sockets | 10 messages per inbox, unless you save messages to your account. | mailsac.com Your own custom domain | Responsive, fast mobile website. Full API. Create an account to get add-on features like saving messages, sending / replying, and private email addresses. | Sí | Sí accepts any Unicode email address 25 characters or less | - Email not required | Sí 1 step domain setup | 20 MB | Sí JSON and RSS feeds | Without account - 10 messages per inbox. With an account, store messages indefinitely. | Sí | |
Mailshiv | mailshiv.com | consult on the website | Sí SSL | No | 7 days | 4 domaines | Sí | No | No | No | 7 days | Sí | |||||
Mailtemp | mailtemp.net | consult on the website | No | No | 1 day | mailtemp.net | No | Sí | |||||||||
MeltMail | meltmail.com | forward to an actual email | No | 3 hours - 24 hours | MeltMail provides a mobile version (iphone, android) | Sí | Sí | ||||||||||
MintEmail | mintemail.com | av.mintemail.com | MintEmail.com is a no-click disposable email system. By simply visiting this site, you will be assigned a temporary email address. | ||||||||||||||
Mohmal | mohmal.com | consult on the website | Sí | No | 45 min | Sí | Sí | No | Sí | ||||||||
MyTempEmail | mytempemail.com | 1 hour - 4 weeks | mytempemail.com | you can reply to email received. | Sí | Sí | |||||||||||
MyTrashMail | mytrashmail.com | consult on the website | Sí optional | thankyou2010.com | Sí | ||||||||||||
NoSpammers.com | no-spammers.com | website consultation and email forward | From 10 minutes to 3 days (extensible) | nospamme.rs spam.destroyer.email fuckspam.ninja antispam.party | Planning to incorporate additional e-mail sending service | - Only if creating forwarding | Anything is wipped out once mailbox has expired | Sí | |||||||||
Randomail | randomail.net | forward to an actual email | Sí | - | Sí | Until disabled by user | randomail.net, custom | you can reply to email received. | Sí | Sí | - | Sí | Sí | ||||
SoodoNims | soodonims.com | ||||||||||||||||
SpamBox | spambox.us | forward to an actual email | spambox.us | Sí | |||||||||||||
SpamFree24 | spamfree24.org | spamfree24.org | No | ||||||||||||||
SpamGourmet | spamgourmet.com | Sí "SpamControl" Firefox add-on | spamgourmet.com | ||||||||||||||
SpamSpot | spamspot.com | consult on the website | Sí | spamspot.com | No | ||||||||||||
temp-email.info | temp-email.info | consult on the website | Sí | Sí | Sí | - | 30 days | 10+ domains to choose, check | Download the mobile app for easier access visit here: temp-email.info/... | Sí | Sí | No | No | 30 days | Sí | ||
Tempail | tempail.com/... | 1 hour | uroid.com | ||||||||||||||
TempEMail | tempemail.net | No | All email addresses expire after 14 days. | TempEMail.net | No | ||||||||||||
TempInbox | tempinbox.com | tempinbox.com DingBone.com FudgeRub.com LookUgly.com SmellFear.com | |||||||||||||||
TempMail | temp-mail.org | consult on the website | Sí | lackmail.ru | |||||||||||||
Tempomail | tempomail.fr | Sí Firefox add-on | Sí | ||||||||||||||
TempSky | tempsky.com | 15 minutes | tempsky.com | Sí | Sí | No | |||||||||||
ThrowAwayMail.com | throwawaymail.com | consult on the website | No | 48H | throwam.com | Sí | No | No | No | ||||||||
Trash-Mail | trash-mail.com | Sí "Bloody Vikings" firefox add-on | trash-mail.com | ||||||||||||||
TrashMail.net | trashmail.net | forward to an actual email | Sí | No | Sí Firefox add-on | 1 day - 1 month (1-10 emails) 2 months - 6 months (1-unlimited emails) (premium account) | kurzpost.de objectmail.com proxymail.eu rcpt.at trash-mail.at trashmail.at trashmail.me wegwerfmail.de wegwerfmail.net wegwerfmail.org | Can enable captcha protection for sender | Sí | ||||||||
Trashmail.ws | trashmail.ws | consult on the website | No | 24H | trashmail.ws | Sí | Sí | No | No | Sí | |||||||
YOPMail | yopmail.com/en/ | consult on the website | No | Sí | Sí Firefox / Opera / Chrome and "Bloody Vikings" firefox add-on | infinite | yopmail.fr yopmail.net cool.fr.nf jetable.fr.nf nospam.ze.tc nomail.xl.cx mega.zik.dj speed.1s.fr courriel.fr.nf moncourrier.fr.nf monemail.fr.nf monmail.fr.nf mail.mezimages.net nice-4u.com (change every 3 months) | No | 8 days | ||||||||
Mail-Jetable | mail-jetable.com | consult on the website | Sí | Sí | Lifetime email address | mail2actions.com imtempmail.com artiva-sports.fr 24f.fr amoi.email ohur.fr histoiresdegroupes.com 85industries.com | Completely free tools | Sí | Sí | No | No | No | 2 days | Sí | |||
TempuMail | tempumail.com | consult on the website | Sí | Sí | - | - | Valid 24 Hours after that the email will be deleted | Sí | Sí | No | - | 30 Mb | Sí |