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Augmented Reality SDK Comparison : Vuforia SDK VS ARMedia SDK
Short Intro
The ARmedia 3D SDK is based on a 3D model tracking approach which recognizes planar images as well as complex 3D objects independently of their size and geometry .SDK architecture consist of renderer to render 3D model, tracker to track the target, capture for capturing frames from the device camera and interface to native android and iOS. ARmedia framework is cross-platform and implemented in C/C++.
Inglobe Technologies
Free Trial + Commercial SDK option
Commercial SDK Pricing
3500 EURO per Year
Supported Platforms (Deployment)
iOS, Android
Digital Eyewear Support
Virtual button support
Supported Platforms (Development)
Windows / MAC /Linux
Supporting Software
Itself provide: Player for iOS, Player for Android, Plugin for 3ds Max®, Plugin for SketchUp™, Plugin for Scia Engineer, Plugin for Vectorworks, Plugin for Maya®, Plugin for Cinema 4D
Marker based AR
Recognizes planar (2D markers) images as well as complex 3D objects independently of their size and geometry
Marker less AR
Geo-located AR Browsers and real world tracking using SLAM
Location based AR
Cloud Support
- Allow Content creation on cloud platform. but no open API available.
WEB Support
Unity3D Plugin
ImageTarget (Marker) Generation
3D object marker creation tool + Provide plug-in for Google SketchUp
3D Object Tracking
Recognizes complex 3D objects independently of their size and geometry.
3D Content Rendering
Depth camera calibration provided which creates more immersive experience
Supporting 3D formats
Mostly all like, .obj, .fbx, .3ds, .cinema4D etc.
Detection Rate
Detection rate is comparatively slow.
Detection Time*:

Device Based : between 4-15 sec
Cloud Based: sorry, not tested yet
Rendering quality (Augmentation)
Augmented Content is very stable because of Depth camera calibration.
Content storage and API
Can Integrate our own cloud syatem
Visual Search
- provide own cloud based software called 3D target manager but it is much restricted
GPS Support
AR Tracking
ARmedia supports Fiducial Markers, Natural Feature Tracking, IR Cameras and Depth Cameras and Location and Inertial Sensors (GPS, Gyroscopes, Accelerometers and Magnetometers).

ARmedia provides 3D model tracking approach.

It recognizes planar images and also complex 3D objects regardless of their size and geometry.
Noticeable Features
1.Provides 3D tracking of real world objects in real time in changing lighting conditions.

2. Provides modularity where one can integrate between different tracking algorithms and different 3D engines and interface.

3. 3D target creation and management services are available on cloud.
Official Website
2016-08-31 23:02:48
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