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Operational dashboard solutions comparison
VisualizeFast and flexible client side graphs with a multitude of options. Panel plugins for many different way to visualize metrics and logs.
AlertingVisually define alert rules for your most important metrics. Grafana will continuously evaluate them and can send notifications.
NotificationsWhen an alert changes state it sends out notifications. Receive email notifications or get them from Slack, PagerDuty, VictorOps, OpsGenie, or via webhook.
Dynamic DashboardsCreate dynamic & reusable dashboards with template variables that appear as dropdowns at the top of the dashboard.
Mixed Data SourcesMix different data sources in the same graph! You can specify a data source on a per-query basis. This works for even custom datasources.
AnnotationsAnnotate graphs with rich events from different data sources. Hover over events shows you the full event metadata and tags.
Ad-hoc FiltersAd-hoc filters allow you to create new key/value filters on the fly, which are automatically applied to all queries that use that data source.
Data sharingGrafana provides a number of ways to share a dashboard or a specific panel to other users within your organization. It also provides ways to publish interactive snapshots that can be accessed by external partners.
Single UI Management
Industry Specific
2021-01-06 19:48:00
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