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Operational dashboard solutions comparison
VisualizeHygieia is an OSS Project Sponsored by Capital One which promotes a single, configurable, easy to use dashboard to visualize near real-time status of the entire delivery pipeline.
NotificationsDevOps concepts enable continuous development feedback. Continuous feedback leads to process improvement. Components of DevOps rely heavily on automation. For example, this includes the creation and execution of test scripts.
Dynamic Dashboardsmonitor things like workitems, code repo, builds, quality items (unit tests, security, coverage, etc.) and deployments in one dashboard. Set up the dashboard to display the widgets that matter most to your project.
Mixed Data SourcesHygieia was developed because teams at Capital One found that most DevOps dashboards did not fit their needs, and only covered a portion of the pipeline. A tech team at the company developed Hygieia as a more comprehensive approach to managing pipelines. Hygieia has six widgets to track code repos, quality, monitoring, features, and deployment. Many of these widgets already integrate with existing products such as IBM's UrbanCode.
AnnotationsThe Deploy widget displays deployment and environment status details, including information about artifacts and server. The ChatOps widget displays the collaborative details from the chat engine.
Ad-hoc FiltersThe Monitor widget displays the monitor details that track the status of services such as APIs, GitHub URLs, or Jenkins. This widget displays the status based on the service HTTP code.
Data sharing
Single UI ManagementHygieia dashboards provide administrator and user access through various views. An admin user can:- Select a theme for the dashboard, Manage user and admin accounts for the dashboard, Set up API tokens for authentication, Create and manage custom dashboard templates
Industry Specific
2022-11-09 14:35:15
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