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History of Common image file formats

Last update 2024-08-18 11:09:21
Creation date 2011-04-11 21:31:38

Items history

Click on the last update date to view the item history

Windows Metafile2024-08-18 11:24:51
TrueVision TARGA2024-08-18 11:24:17
Photoshop Document2024-08-18 11:24:06
Portable Document Format (PDF)2024-08-18 11:23:49
Picture Exchange, aka, PC Paintbrush2024-08-18 11:23:36
Macintosh Picture2024-08-18 11:23:17
High Efficiency Image File Format2024-08-18 11:22:41
Encapsulated PostScript2024-08-18 11:22:25
Tagged Image File Format2024-08-18 11:22:12
RAW Image file2024-08-18 11:21:54
Windows Bitmap2024-08-18 11:21:36
Joint Photographic Experts Group 20002024-08-18 11:21:14
JPEG XL2024-08-18 11:20:33
Graphics Interchange Format2024-08-18 11:20:16
AV1 Image File Format (AVIF)2024-08-18 11:19:53
Scalable Vector Graphics2024-08-18 11:19:28
Portable Network Graphics2024-08-18 11:18:58
Joint Photographic Experts Group2024-08-18 11:18:44
WebP2024-08-18 11:08:20