Check your Attention Wager bin for the 'catch of the day' -
summaries sent to you by other NextEdgers to resolve the biggest
challenge(s) holding back your projects
a web app on similar lines to help us better handle the Next Edge
torrent? 1) Participants create profiles The credits would go to
those who create a profile of their project interests on a Next
Edge wiki. Profiles could include a section on key bottlenecks that
a person was facing on a current or planned project - and a
Innocentive-like prize for a breakthrough. One way to launch might
be to start with an "attention wager" system. Everyone might have
1000 credits reserved up front with another 50 added per week.
Then, we'd all go about our respective activities. But when we come
across something that we're kinda sure could help on one of the
bottleneck issues, we'd place a bet with the person facing the
problem. I might find an item that I think would help Paul, the
franchise school founder in Australia, improve student graduation
rates (assuming he said that was one of his top problems). I'd pull
75 credits out of my account and wager the item was worth his
attention. I'd be out the whole amount if the item proved worthless
to him. But if it had some value, he might send back 50 of the
credits - a signal that I was close, but not quite understanding
what he wanted (he could describe why the bet fell short in his
transfer. Or say he was delighted, even if it wasn't worthy of the
full Innocentive Prize he had posted. In that case, he might award
100 credits back to me, leaving me with a net gain of 25 credits -
and good signals on how I might go further and win the full prize.
I think this system could be quite useful to all of us, not least
for the developers of the various kinds of currencies and toolkits.
Their sharing issues/problems could be a good way for the rest of
us to get up to speed and be helpful. Does this make sense? I'd be
glad to put up a wiki page on it, but would prefer to do it after
one of the founders of the New Currency conversation creates an
intro and preliminary framework for the NC wiki. Look forward to
next thoughts and actions on how we can follow up.