DevOps is an approach to IT development that integrates the
functioning of the Development and Operational teams. This ensures
smoother work flow, better time management, and ultimately results
in faster development and a streamlined process. Additionally,
security can be married with this as well, resulting in what is
known as DevSecOps. In this discussion, we will be discussing the
benefits of marrying DevOps and mobile app development. However,
let us look at the individual growth trajectories of both these
Integrating these two can only add to the magnificence of
development and will be the right use of the DevOps culture. Now
let us look at 4 looming benefits of the role of DevOps in mobile
app development.
DevOps and Mobile App Development
Faster Time to Release
DevOps inculcates a culture of real time communication and
immediate feedback. And this is adopted as a cross-team
functionality that adds to the lubrication of the functioning of
these various teams. This also adheres to the DevOps philosophy of
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. This reduces the
time from a design-development standpoint. As a result of these
iterative cycles, the practitioners can experience more frequent
code deployment, regression testing, and a smoother phase-by-phase
Better Resource Utilization
As the operations and development team works in sync, new builds
can be deployed faster, features can be delivered in an optimized
manner, and the pending updates can be achieved faster and easier.
DevOps integration can also enhance source code management, the
platforms for development as well as tools for testing. In short,
it smoothens the task of frequent releases, in part by allowing
Battle Bottlenecks Better
DevOps integration enhances each involved process. This makes the
entire function more transparent, efficient, and it also improves
cross team communication. Tools, processes, and practice is better
aligned with each other and it does away with inefficient modus
operandi and reduces bottlenecks. This is a direct address against
issues like manual intervention, inconsistencies within the
development environment, and absence of operation practices. It
ensures the maturity of workflow and the resultant stability.