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Comparación de sitios web de concursos de creación de logotipos


Esta tabla de comparación lo ayuda a elegir el mejor sitio de concurso de diseño de logotipos entre todos los sitios de concursos de diseño de logotipos existentes.

A través de estas plataformas de crowdsourcing, envías un proyecto de diseño web (concurso de diseño de logotipo o también, a veces, una página completa/sitio web o diseño de tema), y cientos de diseñadores web envían sus propuestas de diseño. Entonces solo necesita decidir y elegir el mejor diseño de logotipo.

No dude en agregar el sitio del concurso de diseño de logotipos o los criterios de comparación (características...) a esta tabla de comparación colaborativa. Después de usar uno de estos sitios web, también puede revisar el sitio del concurso: calificarlo con 5 estrellas y dejar un comentario sobre su experiencia.

99designs48hourslogoDesignCrowdCrowdspringDesignHillDesignContestGUERRA CREATIVADesignOnClickLogoarenaGraphiste.comBrandsupplyCreadsCrowdsiteHatchwiseZillion Designs
Number of designers938,643429.917131,50435.5691,4509,34050,00036.59718,98241,028
Logo contest
Nombre de propositions12120 - 60100110 +100 + per contest120 + per contest11650 +10 +5980.000011095 +108
Number of designers per contest503640
Contest length7 days2 Days - 7 Days1, 5, 10 or 15 days2-8 Days3, 7, 10 or 14 days4 days5, 7, 10 days>=7 - 30<=7 jours à 10 jours7 - 14 days7 days
Min. prize amount$ 299 (include 100% money-back guarantee)$ 129€ 185.4$ 269 USD (include money back guarantee)$ 99$ 150 and varies from the design category$ 195 for a logo contest€ 200.000$ 249€ 299 HT€ 75€ 790$ 100 - With money back guarantee$ 100$ 100
Listing Fee- included in the contest cost 15% fee of the contest award included in the contest cost gratuit 29.95 €- Included in the pricemoney
Private project for project at $1,349 $20 + 50$
Other contests
Page mockup Get a unique web page design in under a week, from just $595No 99€ Standard projects start at $499, including fees.
Wordpress theme Get a WordPress blog or website designed in 7 days, from $595No 99€ Standard projects start at $729, including fees. Wordpress, Joomla, Droopal, plus other popular CMSNo Get a web or Wordpress design within days.
Twitter backgrounds Twitter background design from $95 with a 100% money back guarantee!No
Banner ads Custom-made, stand out banner ads designed in 7 days, from only $145 Standard projects start at $384, including fees.
Buttons & Icons design from $100 custom made in a little as 2 days! Standard projects start at $269, including fees.
Mobile Design
SloganNoNoNo Standard projects start at $269, including fees.No Custom Graphics done efficiently, affordably with top quality results Choisissez votre logo entre 50 à 200 projets.No mais aussi nom Start a name finding contest! Starting at $50,-
Free definitionNo other categories available but not totally freeNo Catégorie Design Graphique 100% Money back guarantee. 100% Money back Guarantee. Plus sponsored contestsNo Garantie de remboursement.No
Clothing Design T-shirt T-Shirt / Apparrel T-shirt Design T-shirtNoNo
Multi LocalEnglish onlyEnglish onlyEnglish onlyEnglish onlyEnglishLanguages: Spanish, Portguese and English. Payment in all mayor currencies.French, English, German, ItalianFrançaisEnglish, French, German, DutchFrançais, Japonais, Espagnol, AnglaisEnglish, Dutch and German
Quality Control Designers report violations to Logo Court area for community discussion and moderator decision. Moderators only allow unique designs, no clipart elements Quality control via 24/5 support in English, Spanish and Portuguese & Expert Panel of Designers. Nos concepteurs ne sont pas autorisés à se servir de clip-art et fonctions image tracing. Toutes les propositions de logo seront originales et préparées pour les besoins du concours. Les projet de création sont encadrés par des chefs de projet contrôlant la qualité des créations. Les designers de Creads sont des professionnels authentifiés à l'inscription. Designers will report violations and a active group of moderators will scan the designs.
Hire the designer directlyCan hire the individual designers for additional work.Hire designer directly for a 1-to-1 project.Can hire the individual designers for additional work. Re-hire contest winning designer.Ranking of participating designers. Free and easy to contact designers via platform.OuiTout créatif professionnel est accepté. Les talent managers de Creads ont la mission de dénicher les meilleurs pour les besoins clients.yes, this can be done in a private project.
Designers ScreeningTop Ranked designers based on their earning in the last 30 days. Each has a personal portfolio page available for viewing.Every designer needs to go through designer test before participating in contests.Extensive ranking based on won contest and favorites of designers and contest holders.Nous coopérons uniquement avec des concepteurs professionnels des pictogrammes.Les performances sur les projets, les book créatifs, les données sur la réactivité et le professionalisme des créatifs sont utilisés pour classer la communauté.We provide a ranking system for designers, a designer gets more experience if they win a contest or get ranked positive.
Design Copyright TransferAfter the winning design has been uploaded via the Design Handover process and the copyright is agreed to by both parties, the copyright agreement is able to be printed and the copyright is deemed to be transferred to the contest holder.Copyright ownership is only transferred to the Client when the winning designer has been paid.Contest Holder owns full copyrights of the winning designContest Holder owns full copyrights of the winning designContest owner owns full copyrights of the winning designAprès le concours et le choix du logo vous obtiendrez la confirmation écrite de cession de droits au projet.Contest Holder owns full copyrights of the winning designLes droits d'exploitation des créations achetées sont cédées au client. Les droits créations non-achetée restent entièrement la propriété de leurs auteurs.Each designer will agree to transfer any copyrights possible.
Customer serviceNoNo 877-962-7720 M-F 8am to 6pm, CT and Email anytime 24*7 Customer support in english. Live Chat. 1888-906-1888 - Live chat, Knowledgebase 24/5 Customer support in English, Spanish and Portuguese (Phone, Live Chat, Email)No Oui, par mail English, French, German, Dutch Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Japonais By phone or mail in English, Dutch or German.No
Tus críticas
Designers opinion
1.0/5 1 Valoración
5.0/5 1 Valoración
5.0/5 1 Valoración
sin puntuaciones
5.0/5 1 Valoración
5.0/5 3 Calificaciones
5.0/5 2 Calificaciones
2.0/5 1 Valoración
sin puntuaciones
sin puntuaciones
sin puntuaciones
1.0/5 3 Calificaciones
sin puntuaciones
sin puntuaciones
sin puntuaciones
Customers opinion
4.5/5 2 Calificaciones
sin puntuaciones
5.0/5 1 Valoración
sin puntuaciones
4.6/5 7 Calificaciones
5.0/5 2 Calificaciones
5.0/5 1 Valoración
sin puntuaciones
sin puntuaciones
sin puntuaciones
sin puntuaciones
2.3/5 3 Calificaciones
sin puntuaciones
4.0/5 1 Valoración
sin puntuaciones
Social Networks

Through these crowdsourcing platforms, you submit a webdesign project (logo design contest or even a full page / website / theme design), and hundreds of web designers send their design proposals. Then you just need to decide and choose the best logo design.

There are many reasons why logo creation contest websites are popular.

Some of the key reasons include:

  • They offer an opportunity for designers to showcase their skills: Logo creation contest websites provide a platform for designers to showcase their skills and compete for prizes. This can be an exciting and rewarding experience for designers, and can help them gain exposure and build their portfolios.
  • They offer an opportunity for clients to find unique and creative designs: Logo creation contest websites provide a platform for clients to find unique and creative designs for their logos. Rather than working with a single designer, clients can choose from a range of designs submitted by different designers, which can help them find the perfect design for their needs.
  • They can be more affordable than hiring a single designer: Logo creation contest websites can be more affordable than hiring a single designer to create a logo. Clients can choose from a range of designs submitted by different designers, and can often find a design that fits their budget and requirements.
  • They can be more efficient than hiring a single designer: Logo creation contest websites can be more efficient than working with a single designer. Rather than waiting for a single designer to come up with a design, clients can choose from a range of designs that have already been submitted, which can help them find a design more quickly.

Overall, logo creation contest websites offer an opportunity for designers and clients to connect and collaborate on the creation of unique and creative logos.

Do not hesitate to add logo design contest site or comparison criteria (features...) to this collaborative comparison table. After using one of this website, you could also review the contest site : rate it on 5 stars, and leave a comment about your experience.

Comparison of websites that organize webdesign and especially logo design contests between hundreds of webdesigners from around the world.
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Web Design
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User reviews and comments

  • nadera on 2022-12-25 23:15:26

    verry bad experience

  • nadera on 2022-12-25 23:13:50


  • Bastien 5A on 2020-02-28 17:07:20

    Très mauvais, à éviter absolument ! Nous avons payé cher pour avoir un "créatif" manifestement junior et qui surtout nous a proposer des idées de noms qui ne collaient pas du tout à notre concept et à notre audience : nous nous adressons aux femmes, 30-50 ans, et le "créatif" ne nous proposait que des idées de nom tirées des films Avengers ou autres références geek ! Malgré nous retours alarmants au chef de mission, celui-ci n'a rien voulu entendre et au final la mission, qui coute 3000 € quand même, n'a servi à absolument rien ! Jamais nous ne referons appel à eux.

  • memer on 2019-12-18 15:54:49
    suggested on DesignContest to set Nombre to BigPicture

    Jira Add on

  • July12 on 2019-11-08 10:49:16

    Wow, extremely informative!

  • PerrineH on 2018-11-13 01:00:44
  • PerrineH on 2018-11-13 01:00:22
  • James on 2017-02-09 12:16:17

    Designhill is a great platform for designers and clients worldwide to work together in a free atmosphere. I had already worked with many crowdsourcing sites but I find designhill is quite interesting and comfortable to work with.

  • Troglodyte mignon on 2017-01-24 19:36:34

    J'ai travaillé un petit temps avec eux. Incompréensibles. Ils mettent ou pas votre proposition de logo selon leur bon vouloir et très franchement, c'est à n'y rien comprendre. Et quand vous leur posez la question, jamais de réponse. Et quand vous réclamez votre dû, non seulement ils ne répondent pas mais ils vous "larguent" et plus moyen de s'inscrire. L'idée de base était bien, maintenant ça devient du grand n'importe quoi.

  • Troglodyte mignon on 2017-01-24 19:24:09
  • Henna Ray on 2017-01-11 08:14:17
  • Damanbir Singh on 2017-01-11 08:06:13
  • Anne Carton on 2017-01-11 07:57:45
  • Nicole Zeo on 2017-01-11 07:50:19

    We must say Designhill's services a worthy investment.

  • Campbell Joef on 2017-01-11 05:37:29

    Great website for getting graphic design

  • Campbell Joef on 2017-01-03 10:23:46

    Designhill is the best option because they are giving logo designs starting from $49. The best part is the designs are attractive and unique.

  • saralaurence on 2016-12-08 20:42:37

    Info Design covers the design and graphic principles needed to make effective info graphics and data imaginings.

  • creads on 2016-06-03 10:12:26

    You have a design project? Just ask us, we will pleased to help you!

  • Ankit Roy on 2015-12-22 13:30:13

    I came to Designhill for the first time for a fast food restaurant logo. The process of getting so many designs is quick, efficient and economical. The overall experience was wonderful as I got a prompt response from the designers at Designhill for my restaurant logo design. Thank you Designhill for making it so convenient for us!

  • Henna on 2015-10-09 08:34:38
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