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Android 4.2.2

Android versions comparison
Android 4.2.2
Fecha de lanzamiento2013-02-11
Key user features added
  • Allow toggling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth state in Quick Settings using long-press
  • Shows the percentage and estimated time remaining in the active download notifications
  • Wireless charging and low battery sounds changed
  • Gallery app updated for faster loading with new image transition
  • Performance enhancements and bug fixes (Bluetooth A2DP audio streaming fix...)
Key developer features added
  • Secure USB debugging (allow debugging to authenticated computers only)
API Level17
Version nameJelly Bean
  • Android versions comparison

    Compare versions: Android 13 vs Android 12, Android 11, Android Lollipop vs Android 4.4 KitKat vs Android 4.3...
    Android versions comparison
Industry Specific
2019-09-12 16:20:00
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User reviews and comments

  • brecklundin on 2013-06-10 13:27:30

    Dolphin has not supported Flash since about the time of Android 4.0.1 or 4.0.2, Or have they added it back? The Android devs had pretty horrid Flash support anyway. Felt like they just decided to give up trying to get their code right (was it beyond their skill level? who knows...but it's not there far as my last look.)