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PHP Data Access Libraries (ORM, ActiveRecord, Persistence)
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Latest version2.0.10
How schema is defined?Active record magic properties.
Code generation Web and console generator
Can be used in Any Framework- Planned in 2.1.x
Automated Cache
Anti-patterns (purposely included)
5.0/5 2 Calificaciones
Enterprise Compliance
4.5/5 2 Calificaciones
Minimum PHP Version5.4
Basic Features
PDO Support
Transparent support for NoSQL Avialable cross sql and nosql datababase relations (
How to invoke db-vendor-specific extensions? SQL - Query Builder.
Array as a persistence
RestAPI as a persistence- To extend BaseActiveRecord
JSON string as a persistence- To extend BaseActiveRecord
Same model, multiple persistences- (no docs)
Basic Single-record operations (C,R,U,D)
Table Name Mapping Using static method of active record.
Field Name Mapping
Map Entity to SubQuery- table = new Expression(..)
Map property to expression- (couldn't find docs)
Map native types (DateTime) Active record behaviors
User-defined types (e.g. "23 USD") Active record behaviors
Map field of related Entity ('currency' = currency_id->Model $model->currency->name
Map field to sub-query on related entity (Client.balance = Client->orders->sum(total))- (couldn't find docs)
Entity to join multiple tables (adding new record populates both tables)No No native support.
Criteria, Scope, Conditions (Model will refuse to work with records that does not match criteria)
Support model-level criteriaNo
Soft-delete Events and behaviors
Domain Model CriteriaNo Only for specific query: User::find()->byEmail('...')->active()->one()
Expression-based conditionNo Only for query: User::find()->andWhere('...')->all()
Criteria Compliance (new record must match condition)No
Dynamic criteriaNo Only Querying: User::find()->where(['a' => '1', 'b' => true])->all();
Query Building (Convert Model into Query object for further SQL tweaking)
Convert Model into Query Object \yii\db\ActiveRecord::find()
Raw expression new \yii\db\Expression('...')
Nested/Composite Queries/Expressions Expression can be in any part of query
Reference domain-model field in queryNo Field is class property.
field, where, order, limit \yii\db\ActiveQuery
options, rollup, partition
UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT query building
REPLACE, TRUNCATE- Throught raw sql in \yii\db\Command
SHOW, DESCRIBE, CALL- Throught raw sql in \yii\db\Command
ALTER, CREATE query building
User-defined query template (please link doc)
full support for OR conditions-
Use Domain logic in multi-record updateNo
Data Fetching (different ways to retrieve data from database)
Get All Data (2x array) \yii\db\Query::all()
Associative Array (id=>value)
Select only required fields
Typecasting (e.g. DateTime)
Import (multiple records)
Respect domain model mapping (and criteria)
Single row \yii\db\Query::one()
Single Value \yii\db\Query::scalar()
Single Column \yii\db\Query::column()
Bypass persistence mapping
Loading and Saving individual records
Load by ID User::findOne(1)
Load by other field User::findOne(['id' => 1])
Read-only Models
Model without primary key
Specify fields to load User::find()->select([])->one()
Save only sends dirty fields
Guarded / Fillable properties
Object Hierarchy Model
Admin extends User, adds criteria (is_admin=1)No Can be done as wrapper: User::findAdmin(..) or custom CDbCriteria
Admin extends User, adds accessible fieldsNo
Extend model, add Join (Disjoined SubTypes)No
Extend model change table
Relations/References (One model can relate to another model. NOT A TABLE JOIN)
Model can define relation to other Model Relations
One-to-many traversal strategyUses classical eager/lazy loading approach. with() can help pre-fetch the data for related entities.
Many-to-Many relations() method of an entity can define.
Deep Many-to-Many traversal.- only with "to-one" references: $book->author->address->street; Executes multiple queries.
Cross-Persistence traversal- No docs.
Cross-persistence joins, aggregation, reporting
Multi-persistence join
UNION existing models
Domain-model Aggregation
Model to Model join
Multi-persistence UNION
Behaviours / Hooks
Before/After operation
Override standard C,R,U,D operations
Persistence-specific hooks (to modify Query)- (no docs)
User-defined hooks
Global Auditing
Store old/new field values
Revert action (undo) and replay (redo)No
Reactive actions
Store log in any persistenceNo
Override, Add fields to audit log
Custom events
Access to record-specific history- Through a custom query.
Date of creation, modification \yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior
User/IP creation, modification \yii\behaviors\BlameableBehavior
Store incremental revisions
Field meta-information provided
UI extensionsNo
API extensions
2017-12-21 16:45:09
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User reviews and comments

  • Abdur Rob on 2017-01-28 06:39:20
    rated this Del artículo: Simplicity 5/5

    Easiest ORM, I think!