The Next Edge "Crowd Fund" working group aims to explore ways for
tribe members to launch promising projects. This wiki-style chart
will be a place where participants can share and co-evolve ideas
for this end.
Useful when members of online groups want to help launch
breakthrough ventures
Useful when online groups ('tribes') want to fund people or
Useful when online groups want to collaborate to select & fund
projects. Projects either of the group, or projects known to the
When not to use
Not useful when individual tribe members have enough
When classic crowdfunding; VC; Micro-finance etc would work better
1. ATTRACTOR - what makes this interesting
Next Edgers can pledge resources – such as funds, volunteer
help, Frequent Flyer miles gifts – to seed gamechanging
Building trust, giving value, sharing wealth
Potential for smarter crowdfunding for higher risk
2. CHALLENGE(S) - tensions addressed
Old policies and institutions are failing, yet innovators are
3. OPPORTUNITY - vision of achievable change
Next Edge innovators overcome startup resource bottlenecks
(Some) innovations ease or resolve local and global crises
Next Edge "Gift Pool" system gains attention and is adopted by
aligned tribes
4. STRATEGY - proposed steps to make the change
Preferred strategy
Tribe members who opt into the Pool pledge monthly funds or
inkind resources. Once each quarter, members vote and choose an
admired, well-known figure to disburse the Pool's resources. The
assembled resources go to recipients identified by the trusted
figure as having breakthrough potential. Recipients deliver monthly
progress reports to the tribe in a format designed by the trusted
Other promising paths:
Each Next Edge subgroup votes every month to choose 2-3 people
and/or projects showing promise to advance its "track" aims. These
are posted on Beex, Kickstarter (or similar inhouse pledge site
developed by Next Edge). Each innovator outlines specific
reporting/tracking commitments for his or her project in advance.
The full Next Edge community reviews and discusses on a Gift Pool
wiki. Individuals who have committed to Gift Pool support donate
funds or inkind support to specific initiatives of their choosing.
Givers then leave feedback ratings based on quality of their
recipient's verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and
impact measures.
Tribe members who commit to a Gift Pool support go to an
external or internal pledge site each month and review (unfiltered)
profiles by Next Edge innovators. They donate funds or inkind
support to specific initiatives of their choosing. Givers then
leave feedback ratings based on quality of their recipient's
verifiable (by third parties) progress reports and impact
Possible path:
Create a NextEdge Gift App that will allow regular pop-up
(alarm-clock like) and entering of sum & purpose of a maximum
of 7
Tribe members propose projects to the group
After discussion a shortlist is picked
One other member does an evaluation on each project - e.g. emails
with the proponents etc. In particular addresses questions that
come up in the discussion.
Those evaluators report back
Either a selection (e.g. voting) for preferred recipient or two,
crowd source for multiple projects (the latter will work better if
there are divergent interests)
5. TEST - what stakeholders think of steps
Acceptance issues (via Facebook poll?):
Does our subgroup agree on a draft strategy?
Do we want to build an inhouse solution, or try with outside
Do we invite other subgroups to offer candidate projects,
Are Next Edge founders & widely-admired folks on board with
(once introduced tribe-wide) Are tribe members willing to
6. DECISION – next action
Next steps:
Compare tribesourcing/Crowd Fund ideas
Next weekly conversation explores open issues, moves toward
Gaps to be filled for this pattern
more research on "Related Examples" of tribesourcing
Related uplift patterns
none yet
Network Foundation (UK) - in '80s .
Potential allies & opponents
Past use
not many past examples of tribesourcing yet found
Current use
not many current examples of tribesourcing yet found
Future use (links to prediction wagers)
If someone has a good prediction market, I'll wager something there
that a Tribesourcing pledge system will be adopted in Next Edge and
at least two other tribes in next 6 months
Pattern initiator (contact)
Mark Frazier (Skype Openworld) or mfrazier at openworld dot
Compare Profile Categories vs Consensus vs Jay Standish vs Seb Paquet vs Suresh Fernando vs Mark Frazier vs Mushin Schilling vs Curtis Faith vs Mitra Ardon vs Devin Balkind vs David Hodgson
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