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History of Uplift Pattern: Next Edge Tribesourcing

Last update 2011-08-23 02:01:25
Creation date 2011-08-22 20:37:26

Items history

Click on the last update date to view the item history

Mark Frazier2011-08-27 03:13:32
SUBGROUP CONSENSUS2011-08-26 00:07:33
Mitra Ardon2011-08-25 22:32:55
Mushin Schilling2011-08-25 22:26:35
Devin Balkind2011-08-25 18:19:47
David Hodgson2011-08-25 17:52:10
Seb Paquet2011-08-25 17:38:34
Curtis Faith2011-08-25 03:20:58
Suresh Fernando2011-08-25 03:20:58
Jay Standish2011-08-25 03:20:58