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History of Customer feedback software

Last update 2022-05-02 13:55:03
Creation date 2011-01-18 13:03:38

Items history

Click on the last update date to view the item history

IdeaScale2022-11-04 09:23:50
webengage2022-11-04 09:22:15
UserVoice2022-11-04 09:21:49
UserEcho2022-11-04 09:21:23
survicate2022-11-04 09:21:12
Usabilla Live2022-11-04 09:19:49
Verint Experience Management2022-11-04 09:18:23
HunchBuzz2022-11-04 09:16:55
WizVille2020-11-05 21:13:38
Mopinion2020-10-05 09:43:35
feedback lite2020-10-05 09:40:25
Pulse Insights2020-10-05 09:40:25
Qualaroo2020-10-05 09:20:20
usersnap2020-10-05 08:59:48
OMBEA Insights2020-07-07 14:26:03
Helprace2015-04-23 15:14:59
UserThought2012-02-04 16:25:48
SuggestionBox.com2011-04-17 20:26:28