iRobot Roomba: Vacuum Cleaning Robots

The Roomba is an autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner designed by iRobot. It navigate through your home and avoid obstacles while vacuuming the floor. The first Roomba was introduced in 2002. Over 6 million units has been sold worldwide since.
Virtual barriers or Virtual walls as iRobot names it,
helps you create limits your robot won't cross. This is
particularly helpful, if you want to make sure your robot won't
mess with your kids toys.
Virtual walls lighthouses can be activated in lighthouse
mode to help the robot navigate from one room to another. The robot
will enter next room only when the first room has been cleaned.
Roomba 700 series
Roomba 700 series is the latest set of robots, it has been introduced in 2011. These new robots negotiate obstacles better and optimize cleaning.
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